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Hope Logan Subconsciously Begins Manipulating Thomas’s Feelings

B&B recap for Friday, May 5, 2023, has Hope accidentally caught up in her feelings.

the bold and the beautiful recap for friday, may 5, 2023, hope longHope Logan.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Hope Logan inadvertently stirred up that old loving feeling in Thomas.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) preened over his extended family FINALLY getting along lo these many decades later — albeit at his great expense. Also, Liam (Scott Clifton) did as he is wont to do: complain, complain, and complain. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Hope Logan Sends A Rather Mixed Message

At Forrester Creations, Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) looked on hesitantly as Hope (Annika Noelle) and Thomas waxed lyric about one another’s talents.

Once Hope took her leave to go and look at the preorder numbers for Hope For The Future’s latest line, Steffy saddled up to her brother and outed a very pointed question — “Are you still fixated on Hope?”

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Though he could appreciate Steffy’s concerns, Thomas swore that he was not. He’s new and improved and he’s got his priorities straight this time. Heck, even if Hope threw herself at him he’d say no. Steffy did not appreciate that sense of humor of his.

Exit Steffy, enter Hope. She’s got news. Big news. The numbers were not good…they were GREAT!

For his part, Thomas gave Hope all the credit. Her ideas, her inspirations merely trickled over to him and came through his hands. “Thank goodness for those hands” declared Hope, taking them in her own, and thank goodness for Thomas. Also, a thanks for “seeing” her.

Having spied the charged exchange, Steffy took the opportunity of Thomas’s leaving for another office — so that he could process what in the world just happened — to take Hope to task for her flirting.

“You were looking right in Thomas’s eyes, laying it on pretty thick….I will not let you derail Thomas….I will not allow you or anyone else to set him back do you hear me?”

And then came the big question. “So I’m going to ask you, and ask you once, do you have feelings for Thomas? … Do you have feelings for my brother?!”

B&B Recap: First Verse, Same As The First

Meanwhile, at Il Giardino, Trattoria Rustica, Liam and Wyatt (Darin Brooks) wrapped up an all-important business meeting [aren’t they all?] and then set about gorging on a vegetarian pizza.

Wyatt complimented Deacon’s (Sean Kanan) turning his life and the restaurant around and suggested that he’d surprised a lot of people as of late. But not Hope, announced Liam, she’d always believed in her pops and now she can tell everyone “I told you so.” Not that she would, because Hope’s not that kind of person.

But she is the kind of person who sees the good in everyone…like Thomas. Wyatt groused that he hopes Hope’s right about that one, but pointedly pointed out that it wouldn’t hurt to keep a watchful eye on Thomas — and Liam is all over that.

Luckily, he hasn’t really felt the pinch of Hope and Thomas’s partnership as Hope has gone out of her way to carve out time for her and her hubs. He’s hopeful that that will continue moving forward.

Which former B&B rivals need to stop being friends?

Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Long Shot

Across the hall from warring Steffy and Hope, Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) and then Taylor (Krista Allen) took in RJ’s (Joshua Hoffman) caricature of Ridge and concluded that the youth had captured their mutual ex to a T! What a talent RJ possesses!

After the tee-heeing finally came to a stop, Taylor confided how she loves that everyone is finally getting along and acting like the extended family they should have been all along. Brooke and Ridge happily concurred, and the latter pointed out how Brooke and Taylor had actually been trailblazers in that respect.

Taylor granted that that was true then quipped that it would be amazing if she and Brooke’s daughters could one day become sisters friends as they themselves had. [As if!]

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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