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Douglas Forrester Makes Clear Where He Wants To Lay His Head

The B&B recap for Thursday, February 9, 2023: Turns out he loves rustic living.

the bold and the beautiful recap for thursday, february 9, 2023 douglas forrester's answer excites liam and hope to no endDouglas Forrester gives Liam and Hope a reason to celebrate

On today’s Bold and the Beautiful episode, some adults sat Douglas Forrester down and wondered if he’d like to change his address.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) got lapsed viewers up to date, and Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) and Taylor (Krista Allen) resolved to end the feud that has gripped their families for decades. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Douglas Forrester Is Put In The Hot Seat

After noticing the judgmental stares being shot his way, Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) decided to cut his losses and call time on his visit with Douglas (Henry Joseph Samiri). Hope (Annika Noelle) and Liam (Scott Clifton) didn’t exactly thank Thomas for it, but they were grateful that they would soon be rid of him.

Before he left, Thomas rummaged through his backpack and produced a set of legal documents. The gist: Thomas has arranged a sit down with a judge during which Douglas will say whether he wants to continue living with Hope and Liam or move in with Thomas.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Hope and Liam are aghast. How could Thomas possibly think that such action was in Douglas’s best interest? He’s just a little boy. Not true, argues Thomas. As far as he’s concerned, his precocious spawn is more than capable of making such a decision.

And sure, he could totally blow up in Thomas’s face, but he doesn’t think so. He’s more than sure that Douglas will choose to be with him. After all, they have a lot of catching up to do. Also, it’ll prompt Thomas to actually get a place of his own. It’s really a win-win for father and son.

Once Thomas takes his leave, Hope and Liam requested an audience with Douglas, buttered him up with a host of compliments — oh he’s so funny; oh he brings sweetness and light wherever he goes — and asked him outright if he were the master of his own destiny where would he want to lay his head.

Here, of course, replied Douglas. Hope and Liam were thrilled. What’s more, Hope summarily convinced herself that come tomorrow, she’d have permeant, sole custody of Douglas, and it would be all Thomas’s doing. Maybe.

B&B Recap: In Case You Missed It

Rather than truly bask in the afterglow of a sexy soak in the hot tub with her sexy husband, Steffy set about ruminating on past events.

Oh, woe is Steffy. Her mother wants to confess to a crime she committed years earlier; her husband’s birth mother is a complete psycho; and her unstable brother may or may not have ruined any chance he had at being a good father to his son. Why does all of this have to happen to Steffy? Why is her life such a soap opera?

Brooke Logan And Taylor Hayes Agree To Do Better

Try as she might, Taylor just can’t see her and Brooke sharing the same abode. Even if it is a mansion. It’s just…too weird. And what will happen when Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) comes back home — because Taylor is convinced he’ll see the error of his ways and return to Brooke. You know, ‘Destiny’ and all.

Pish, posh, replies Brooke. She doesn’t really care what Ridge wants. She only cares about what she wants. And what she wants is to be housemates with Taylor. Taylor remains dubious. She’s not ready to commit to such a move. Not yet any way.

Okay, sighs Brooke. But would Taylor make her two promises? Maybe, a cautious Taylor responds. What’s Brooke after?

Oh, not much. Just a vow that 1) no more fighting over the same man, and 2) let’s nip the Logans vs. Forresters feud in the bud once and for all. Agree to all, says Taylor. Turns out that will be easier said than done.

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Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Battle Lines Drawn

Thomas is going to war, and he needs backup — and who better to provide it but his sister. Steffy isn’t exactly enamored of Thomas’s idea to put Douglas on the spot, but she agrees to stand by his side. Family first and all that.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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