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The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers (BB): Opportunities, Schemes & Missed Moments!

The Bold and the Beautiful SpoilersThe Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers

The setup was perfect. Spectra is going under for lack of cash and credibility, while meanwhile, over at Forrester, Zende (Rome Flynn), out of nowhere, decides his goal in life has always been to become a designer, then throws a hissy-fit when he isn’t instantly given his own line.

Zende is drinking his troubles away when who should come up but CJ (Mick Cain), who suddenly starts talking to this near-stranger, and ends with a variation of, “Wanna buy a fashion house?”

I mean, come on? Who couldn’t predict what would happen next?

Except, it didn’t. Instead of buying out Spectra, Zende is offered an opportunity at Forrester Creations. Did the Bells just play the audience, big time?

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