On The Bold and the Beautiful, Quinn has spent nearly half of her life managing Wyatt’s life.
There’s nothing the devoted mom hasn’t done to make sure her only son gets what he wants. In the past, her methods have ranged from bizarre to unscrupulous and everything in between. Quinn seems to have become a different woman, since she fell for Eric (John McCook). Yet, she still seems overly concerned about Wyatt and preoccupied with helping him reunite with Steffy. Soap Hub asked fans if you thought it was time Quinn butted out of Wyatt’s life, and nearly 4,000 of you weighed in.
Let Him Be
Wyatt (Darin Brooks) is a grown man, and Quinn needs to leave him alone, say 68% of you. There comes a time – and it was about 10 years ago in this case – when a mother has to let go of her children; let them make their own decisions and guide their own lives. Quinn’s obsession with Wyatt has never been normal. You’re hoping that Eric will make her see the light, and Quinn will finally back off.
Help When Asked
There’s nothing wrong with a mom stepping in and helping her child; that is, if the child asks for it. Some 26% of you believe Quinn should step back and give Wyatt some breathing room — particularly, where his estranged wife Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) is concerned. Wyatt needs to figure out what turn he should take next. Quinn should only step in if Wyatt asks for her assistance.
A Mother’s Job Is Never Done
Quinn, stop meddling in Wyatt’s life? Impossible, say 6% of fans, and you absolutely don’t want to see it. You believe a mother’s work is never done; particularly, a mom like Quinn (Rena Sofer). She’s made it her life’s mission to make sure Wyatt gets everything he wants, and she makes no apologies for it.
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