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B&B Recap: Shelia Muses About Her Picture Perfect Future

Finn Finnegan might have something to say about that.

the bold and the beautiful recap for friday, august 25, 2023, two images of sheila carter.Sheila Carter lives in a fantasy world all her own...one she intends to bring to life.

In The Bold and the Beautiful recap for August 25, 2023, she-devil Sheila Carter imagines a world in which she and her son and grandson are one big happy family — Steffy be damned.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Eric made his future plans more than clear, Steffy found herself still unable to return home to her ever-loving hubby, and walking mess Liam wondered why his life was so messy. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

B&B Recap: Crazy Is As Crazy Does

Having emerged from a bout of lovemaking — and enjoying every minute of that new *ahem* “thing” that his lady talked him into trying — Deacon (Sean Kanan) tried to summon up the willpower to disentangle himself from Sheila (Kimberlin Brown). Unfortunately, his efforts were for naught.

In no time flat, Sheila had him saying “Yes” when he really wanted to say “No” and begging for yet another round. But before they could retire to the nearby couch, Sheila had some crazy things to say.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Turns out she’s still gunning for a reconciliation with Finn (Tanner Novlan), whom she’s sure loves her just as much as she loves him. Deacon isn’t so sure. Luckily, Sheila’s sure for the both of them. Unluckily for Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood), Sheila sees her as the one obstacle to obtaining her goal. Wouldn’t it be great if her daughter-in-law was no longer in the equation?

Not that she’d do anything to hurt her, mind you…that time she shot her in cold blood notwithstanding. (And that was merely an unfortunate incident anyway.) But Sheila does intend to be a part of her beautiful son’s beautiful life. One way or another.

The Bold and the Beautiful Recap: A New Day Dawns

At Forrester Creations, Eric (John McCook) continued to rail about his stapler, insisting that its disposal was the perfect metaphor for how Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) viewed him — out with the old and in with the new. Well, as far as Eric saw it, the past needed to be valued, not thrown away.

And Eric was tired. So, so tired of the disrespect he has been shown. He hated that his ideas and opinions were being dismissed, and he hated that no one respected his office. HIS office. Paris (Diamond White) uses it like it’s her own for G-d’s sake! Paris! And then there’s Charlie (Dick Christie) and Pam (Alley Mills) using it as a lunch spot. UGH.

When Ridge attempted to argue that the space had transformed into a common-use area, Eric exploded. It’s not “common” it’s HIS. It’s HIS private space where he can be creative, where he can sketch his designs to his heart’s content.

And as if Ridge needed the refresher, Eric pointedly reminded him that he was the one who came up with the idea for Forrester Creations, and it’s HIS legacy that the family has been happy to live off of for so many years. And now he’s degenerated into a lowly figurehead, and he’s not taking that lying down anymore.

Ridge testily offered to tender his resignation from the company if that would make Eric happy, but who would take his place? Steffy? She has no actual design sense. Thomas? He’s clearly not ready. RJ? He’s clearly uninterested.

“Me” bellowed Eric. He would take over. He’d resume control of the ship. “When people think of Forrester Creations, they don’t think Ridge Forrester, they think Eric Forrester,” he sniffed.

Before summarily dismissing his son, Eric reminded him that he intended to design a collection to end all collections — it would be his crowning achievement. And he would do it with or without Ridge.

Will Hope fight for Thomas?

B&B Recap: All Proof To The Contrary

At the Forrester mansion, Finn pulled out all the stops to convince Steffy to come back to him, but she still wasn’t ready. Not with Huggate so fresh in her mind. Not with Sheila still posing a threat. She couldn’t and wouldn’t take the risk…even if she does still really love Finn — and she does still really love him.

Opposite this, Liam (Scott Clifton) revealed to Wyatt (Darin Brooks) that he’d refused to offer Hope (Annika Noelle) the same grace and forgiveness that she’d shown him time and time again. Wyatt wasn’t surprised, and he chalked it up to Liam’s desperation to wreck Steffy’s home — this is in spite of Liam’s claim that he didn’t want to be a homewrecker.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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