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Soap Hub Wellness Wednesday: Colton Little Takes Big Steps, Little Steps

Colton Little keeps it simple to achieve regular success.

colton little from days of our lives keeps fit.Colton Little stays active.

As an ISA agent, Andrew Donovan needs to stay in shape on Days of our Lives. His portrayer, Colton Little, knows all about wellness. The former personal trainer sat down with Soap Hub for this week’s installment of Wellness Wednesday.

Colton Little: The Great Outdoors

“I definitely try to get outside at least once a day,” Little says. “I have a rule that if I sweat at least once a day, I’m doing something right!” Fortunately, the actor is in the right part of the country as Los Angeles offers a climate conducive to being outdoors.

Little’s activities are varied when it comes to wellness. “It could mean lifting weights or going on a run or a nice fast walk,” he says. “Resistance training is important to me, too, to keep my body in good shape.” Some are more likely to work out more if they schedule an activity that’s pleasurable. “My favorite form of cardio is a nice, long hike,” the actor says. “There are some great [paths] in L.A.”

Food for Thought

Diet plays an important role in wellness, and it’s important to know exactly what one is putting into one’s body. “‘Clean eating’ is really important to me,” Little says of the method of eating food that contains few ingredients. “That’s something I’ve been doing a lot of research on. It’s something I try to implement in [my] daily life. I read labels. I focus on what I put directly into my body…I ask, ‘Is it fueling me?’

“Labels are sneaky,” the TV lawman shares. “The amount of sugar in things [can be high]. Should a slice of bread really have 25 grams of sugar in them?”

Colton Little: The Big Picture

Little has advice to offer for folks looking to incorporate more wellness into their lives — don’t try to figure it all out at once. “I think of wellness as a day-to-day journey,” says that actor, adding that it can be a mistake or even self-defeating if a person looks at wellness as being able to lift a certain amount of weight or losing a specific number of pounds.

“It’s important to look at the steps you take each day,” he says. “They’ll add up. That [way of thinking] changed my mind about wellness. With some of my former personal training clients, we’d work on breaking down bigger goals into attainable ones. That can make the biggest difference.”

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