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Lawrence Saint-Victor Talks Carter’s Hope for the Future on B&B

Lawrence Saint-Victor is optimistic about Katie and Carter’s future on B&B.

lawrence saint-victor believes in carter and katie and knows sheila is bad news.Carter Walton trusts Katie on Bold and the Beautiful.

As an attorney, Carter Walton, played by Lawrence Saint-Victor on The Bold and the Beautiful, is known to strategize certain situations. He has to know by now that Bill Spencer is not going to give up trying to win back his ex-wife Katie Logan. Saint-Victor chatted with Soap Hub about Carter’s own hope for the future.

Lawrence Saint-Victor: Trusting Katie

Saint-Victor says that Carter knows Bill’s going to be persistent. However, he also knows that actions speak louder than words. “Carter’s hopeful when it comes to Katie’s stance on Bill,” the actor shares. While Bill looks like the hero these days for executing his plan to bring down Sheila (Kimberlin Brown), his other past misdeeds certainly aren’t erased by any means.

B&B Sister Act

“He still hit on your sister,” Saint-Victor succinctly sums up the main reason Katie should not go back to Bill. He is referring to, of course, Bill’s, at times, uncontrollable attraction to Brooke. He promises time and time again that he’s over the blonde beauty, but Bill can’t help but be drawn to her. It wasn’t surprising that Katie had already made up her mind that Bill was part of her past for this reason.

“The stuff that Bill has done hasn’t changed just because he’s a hero now,” Saint-Victor notes. “Carter is hopeful. He trusts Katie and is committed to her.”

Lawrence Saint-Victor Has The Write Stuff

Saint-Victor takes full advantage of B&B’s extensive library of shows available on YouTube. As a writer for the half-hour drama, he says he often checks out past shows so he can be up on B&B’s many storylines and how they can impact today’s drama. “If I wasn’t writing on the show, I don’t think I’d have as much of an understanding of its legacy,” he says.

“I go back and watch shows all the time,” Saint-Victor adds. “You go back, and you see how life has changed over the years. I was writing an episode not too long ago that included one of Sheila’s killings. I watched Dr. Garvin [Brett Stimely] go off the balcony.” The actor/scribe also viewed the scenes in which Sheila unleashed killer bees on bee-allergic Lance (Adam Huss). “This is the show I’m on, and it’s amazing,” Saint-Victor enthuses.

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