The classic soap opera Santa Barbara ran on NBC from July of 1984 until January of 1993. Despite its limited run, it introduced us to (or in some cases reunited with) some of the best talent out there in daytime. After it was canceled, some of the show’s amazing actors went to other soaps, but which one in this list was not on the cult hit?
General Hospital (GH)
You love Nancy Lee Grahn as the razor-sharp lawyer Alexis Davis, who adores her daughters and has a relationship with an intelligent mobster with a questionable moral fiber.
On Santa Barbara, Grahn portrayed a razor-sharp lawyer named Julia Wainwright, who desperately wanted a baby (Samantha!) and fell in love with the lawyer who helped her have it – Mason – a man who didn’t always feel the need to play by the rules. She arrived in 1985 stayed for the rest of the show’s run.
The Young and the Restless (YR)
Sure, Eileen Davidson (Ashley) had already made her mark in soaps when arrived in Santa Barbara in 1992 to take over the role once played by Robin Wright (now on House of Cards).
She was the last actress to portray Kelly Capwell, the daughter of the richest man in town. Gee, that sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it?
Days of Our Lives (DOOL)
Part of the original cast of Santa Barbara, Melissa Brennan (now Reeves) portrayed Jade Perkins, a teenager in search of love with the son of the richest man in town.
The actress was only on the show for a year and then went directly to DAYS as Jennifer Horton, where she’s had a home ever since!
The Bold and the Beautiful (BB)
Anna Maria Horsford has had a long and very successful career before she joining B&B as Vivienne. While she was never on the soap opera Santa Barbara, she did appear on the now defunct Guiding Light at the beginning of her career.
Her character, Clara, was Holly’s one ally when she went to prison for Roger Thorpe’s murder.
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