You all know the drill. Hot — and very fertile — woman sleeps with two men in a short time period. (There’s usually a good reason for it. Like she was drunk. Or sad. Or somebody spiked the party punch with an aphrodisiac.)
Next thing you know — oops — nine months of agony and angst, as everyone ignores modern day technology and wrings their hands, wondering who’s the daddy.
Then again, considering how often those modern day technology paternity tests are tampered with — the old-fashioned way — nine months is often not nearly enough to straighten out the family matters.
But how long is too long? Just how many of these stories are fans willing to put up with? Over 8,000 viewers voted plus or minus.
Give It a Rest
Too much, too often, too many, protest 82% of you.
You are done with Who’s the Daddy stories. And the stupid life decisions that lead to them. No one comes out looking good when this triangle gets played.
Not to mention the trauma to the poor kids. How about coming up with a tale where the key players aren’t a woman who doesn’t know where babies come from, a guy who’ll jump into bed with anyone, and a cuckold? All your favorites deserve more than that.
Classic Soap
Get rid of Who’s the Daddy stories, object a traditional 16% of you, and you’ll be left with just tales of amnesia, paralysis, blindness, small-town mobs, and men who have a difficult time remembering to button their shirts. You need accidental pregnancies to move things along. And produce the next generations.
After all, today’s leading men and women were once Who’s the Daddy babies. Right Victoria (Amelia Heinle) on The Young and the Restless? Michael (Chad Duell) on General Hospital (GH)? And pretty much all of Brooke’s (Katherine Kelly Lang) kids on The Bold and the Beautiful (BB)…..

Video Credit: almalena

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