Video Credit: Soap Hub
Former General Hospital star and current The Young and Restless cast member Michelle Stafford spent a wonderful Mother’s Day with her children, posting well wishes to all “beautiful Mamas out there” as well as sending a special greeting to her own mom.
Michelle Stafford Gets Real
In the wake of some social media comments, today, the two-time Emmy winner took to Instagram to remember some of those who experienced a somber time on Mother’s Day and some people who may not get the recognition that they deserve.
“After the whole shower of mom love yesterday on SM. I wanna say something to all of those beauties who… have lost a mother, never grew up with a mother, are having a very hard time conceiving and becoming a mother, are single mothers, are mothers through adoption, are fathers that have taken the mother role, women who wanted to be mothers but feel that their time has passed, mothers that have conceived through surrogate, women who never wanted to be a mother and are fine with that choice, same-sex mothers, Aunts who have taken over the role of being a mother, mothers who don’t “look” like their children, grandmothers that have taken over the job of being a mother and anything (I forgot) that didn’t look “normal” yesterday, that didn’t fit into “the mold,” she wrote. “YOU MATTER.”
Stafford knows all too well about some of the disrespectful comments and unthoughtful remarks that people can deliver, especially hiding on social media.
“I am a single mother and my biological kids were born via surrogate,” she explained. “I cannot tell you how many times people have said things like “they are normal like all the other kids” or “well, they are not really your kids” or “why did you do it like that, couldn’t you get a man?” And other stupid, offensive comments.”
Thankfully, there is a lot less of those sort of comments now, but Stafford wants people to know that not everyone is as they appear on social media.
“NO ONE is as beautiful as they seem on Instagram. No one is as happy as they seem on Facebook and no one is as crazy as they seem on Twitter… THIS is truth,” she said. “So carry on. Life is back to normal. As you can see by my house. I still have the same mess that my kids make everyday, that I gotta clean… every damn day… Carry on and be good humans.”
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