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Soap Hub Performer of the Week for General Hospital: Bonnie Burroughs

Soap Hub Performer of the Week for General Hospital Bonnie Burroughs

Soaps are all about families but if Carly Corinthos had her way she’d toss Gladys Corbin right out her hers. As regular General Hospital viewers are aware, Gladys is a blabbermouth, a bit crass, and always blunt — and we at Soap Hub love her for it! She puts things right on the table and never fails to look out for herself. For her recent performances as the Corbin clan’s most bodacious relative, Soap Hub bestows Performer of the Week for GH honors on Gladys’s portrayer Bonnie Burroughs.

Bonnie Burroughs — Performer of the Week

While Carly (Laura Wright) is no fan of Gladys because she lied about Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) killing Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth), it’s Gladys’s personality that truly rubs her the wrong way. You can count on Gladys asking what’s in it for her when she shows up anywhere. She recently interrupted Sonny’s “widow” Carly and Laura Collins (Genie Francis) celebrating her engagement to Jason at the Metro Court.

Most people wait for an invitation to a wedding but not Gladys! After eavesdropping on the two women, Gladys, assuming she’d be invited to the gala, asked when the wedding was so she could put the open-bar event in her calendar. She ignored the “can you believe that?” looks between Laura and Carly and practically got out her datebook so she could make sure she wouldn’t forget the big day.

Gladys had a rationale for wanting to attend the wedding. She is, after all, related to Mike Sonny and the late mobster would want her there. “Gladys, you will not be on the guest list,” Carly gladly informed Brando Corbin’s (Johnny Wactor) mother.

Carly’s statement wasn’t a hint — it was a direct rejection. Again, most people would politely excuse themselves at that point but not Gladys. She quickly reminded Carly that she risked her life to exonerate the groom.

Carly just as quickly snapped back “after you perjured yourself to make sure he was arrested in the first place.” Before this back and forth could continue, Brando intervened and whisked his mother away to give Carly and Laura a reprieve.

Gladys joined Brando and Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson), who is expecting Gladys’s grandchild. Brando’s mom always manages to work into the conversation in her own not-so-subtle fashion that she comes first in Brando’s life. However, she was in for a surprise when Brando told his mom it was time for her to move out.

Gladys Is Annoying Perfection

Gladys immediately went into an argumentative mode, telling Brando that he needed her and when he said he’d manage without her, Gladys countered by saying he couldn’t afford to pay her rent. Brando told her she’d be paying her own. Sasha didn’t endear herself to Gladys when she reminded her that she once told people that Brando was dead (he wasn’t) but that all turned around quickly.

Gladys perked up after Sasha announced that she was offering her baby’s grandmother a gig at Deception Cosmetics. Brando nearly did a spit-take when Gladys suggested she become a model (like Elizabeth Hurley) for Deception.

Sasha countered by suggesting that Gladys become the company’s receptionist instead, conceding that she can have free makeup and won’t have to make coffee. A grateful Gladys excused herself, leaving Sasha and Brando alone to joyfully anticipate the arrival of their baby.

Now that Gladys will be working at Deception, we think that office is about to become a lot more entertaining. Some may find Gladys a bit garish, however, Burroughs infuses each and every scene she’s in with an energy that is both effervescent and annoying, keeping other characters on their toes in the process.

Frankly, we’re hoping Gladys does attend Jason and Carly’s wedding — can you imagine how the scene-stealer will brazenly body-check other single women when it comes time to line up for the bouquet toss?

General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes. For more about what’s coming up in Port Charles, check out all the latest that’s been posted on GH spoilers, and for an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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