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Trina Robinson And Spencer Finally Share A Kiss

The General Hospital recap for February 20, 2023, features a sweet romantic moment — and a lot of chaos.

trina robinson and spencer kissed at the jerome galleryTrina and Spencer gave fans what they have been waiting for.

The General Hospital recap features a long-awaited day for Trina Robinson and Spencer “Sprina” fans as this star-crossed pair finally lock lips.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

In this episode, Trina told Spencer about her mother’s lies and the pair ended up closer than ever. Meanwhile, Portia spent her time continuing to make excuses for her dishonesty. On Spoon Island, Heather hooked Austin, Esme ran away, and Felicia and Ava wondered what her next move should be. Back on the mainland, Laura helped the Port Charles Police Department map a way through the Wyndemere tunnels while Alexis seemed to put two and two together and figure out The Hook’s identity. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

General Hospital Recap: Trina Robinson Finds Romance

Trina (Tabyana Ali) and Spencer (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) retreated to The Jerome Gallery, the place where they first met, and Trina told Spencer all about her mother’s lies. She finally understood what Spencer had been going through with his father, but they both had to admit that Portia (Brook Kerr) was no Nikolas (Adam Huss) and would never just abandon her daughter.

When Trina lamented that she didn’t even know who she was anymore, Spencer said he knew exactly who she was. She’s a girl who loves classic sitcoms and feminist art books, as well as being the bravest and smartest person he knows. This flattery was enough for Trina to throw caution to the wind and finally pull Spencer in for a tender and passionate kiss as the fandom rejoiced.

Back at the Metro Court, Portia continued to explain herself to Curtis (Donnell Turner) and admitted she never planned to find out if he was Trina’s father or not. She finally confessed that Stella (Vernee Watson) knew what was going on and she assumed it was Jordan (Tanisha Harper) who had told her. Curtis was further stunned to learn that Jordan knew this secret for months.

GH Recap: Chaos In The Castle

Over at Wyndemere, things were not all hearts and roses as Heather quickly hooked Austin (Roger Howarth). Felicia (Kristina Wagner) and Ava (Maura West) stood there with their jaws dropped when a bloodied Austin fell into the room and Heather (Alley Mills) appeared with a screaming Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) in tow. Heather gleefully announced she was one running around town hooking people since last August as Esme passed out. Ryan (Jon Lindstrom) and Heather were both concerned about their daughter, but she seemed to be okay.

When Felicia tried to take out Ryan with a fireplace poker, Esme made a run for it through the back door and Ryan took after her, leaving his gun with Heather. Ava tried to grab Heather’s hook but Heather pulled the gun out quickly. She eventually decided to let Ava and Felicia escape through the tunnels and Felicia wanted to bring Austin with them. Soon, Heather changed her mind and told Ava she might want to stick around to learn exactly how Ryan was responsible for blowing up her marriage and life.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on General Hospital.

Will Curtis ever forgive Portia?

General Hospital Recap: Putting It All Together

Back on the mainland, Laura (Genie Francis) filled Kevin (also Jon Lindstrom) in on all that was going on with Ryan and surprised her husband by informing him that Esme is Ryan’s daughter. Kevin was still sure that Esme was not faking her amnesia and that Ryan likely had locked-in syndrome at first, but probably recovered quickly and was clearly faking it for quite a while.

Laura also informed Jordan and Mac (John J. York) that there were tunnels under Wyndemere that connected to the mainland and this was the cops’ best bet at getting there without alerting Ryan and Heather that they were on their way.

Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) and Gregory (Gregory Harrison) were also stunned to learn just who had escaped Spring Ridge, but as Alexis went over the letter she received from The Hook, she finally figured out who this serial killer was and rushed to Pier 55 to tell the authorities.

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