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Josslyn Jacks Is A-OK With Dex Being A Mobster

The GH recap for May 15, 2023, has Josslyn willing to be just like her mom once again.

the general hospital recap for may 15 2023 has josslyn not wanting dex to leave.Dex had shocking news for Josslyn.

The General Hospital recap features Josslyn Jacks giving it some thought and deciding mafia life can have some fringe romantic benefits.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

In this episode, Dex stunned Josslyn with his news about Sonny and Michael, while Sonny and Michael came to an icy truce. Nina had a talk with Drew, who bluntly told her she couldn’t erase the past despite having his own past erased by a mad scientist years ago. Sasha dared to go back on the Home and Heart channel under less-than-ideal circumstances. Finally, Anna and Valentin’s reunion at home was interrupted by a visitor. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

General Hospital Recap: Josslyn Jacks Will Make A Sacrifice

Josslyn (Eden McCoy) couldn’t believe her ears when Dex (Evan Hofer) told her that he needs to leave town and leave her behind. Joss argued that everything would be fine because that video could be used to turn Sonny (Maurice Benard) in, and all would be right with her world.

Dex had to break the news that Michael (Chad Duell) didn’t want to use the video, and their deal was off. Joss couldn’t understand why family peace was more important to Michael than putting Sonny behind bars.

Dex had to explain to Josslyn that unless he left town alone and disappeared that his life would be in danger, so she insisted on going with him, but Dex told her that would not be happening. He would never take her away from her family and force her to live a whole new life on the run.

General Hospital: Josslyn Jacks Changes Her Mind

Joss was not sure she was ready to give it all up for one man, but she did admit she at least likes him — a lot. She didn’t want them to be over, but she also didn’t want him to get in trouble with Sonny by staying in Port Charles, so she told him she’d let him go no matter how much it hurt.

Joss finally decided she was not willing to give up Dex and told him that he had to stay, even if he had to be a mobster indefinitely. If it was good enough for her mother for decades, then apparently, it would be good enough for her. Dex couldn’t imagine never seeing her again, so the mobster life it is.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on General Hospital.

GH Recap: Attempts At Peace

Michael and Sonny made some small talk when Michael stopped by Sonny’s office but did not mention that incriminating video of the Pikeman shipment. He told Sonny that things needed to change between them. He explained that it was Willow who asked him to make peace with his father. Michael wasn’t sure he could do it but was willing to give it a try for Willow’s sake and his children’s sake. They were all more important than his anger.

Sonny was happy with Michael’s decision but did his best to go to bat for Nina (Cynthia Watros). Michael was willing to respect Nina and Sonny’s romance as long as they respected Willow’s wishes and whether she wanted a relationship with Nina or not. Michael asked Sonny to get Nina to back off and not pressure Willow, but Sonny didn’t want to tell Nina what she could and could not do.

At the hospital, Nina ran into Drew (Cameron Mathison) and thanked him for rescuing Aunt Liesl (Kathleen Gati), for her sake, Liesl’s sake, and Willow’s (Katelyn MacMullen) sake. The topic of the SEC problems then came up, making Nina feel more guilty than ever. He then asked her if she was there to see Willow, and Nina had to assure him she would not bother her daughter despite wanting to be a part of her family.

Nina was happy to inform Drew that Willow asked her to make peace with Carly (Laura Wright) and asked Drew for advice on accomplishing just that. Drew told her that would not be easy because you can’t erase the past.

Will Cody push forward with suing the WSB?

General Hospital Recap: Sasha’s Daring Day

Sasha (Sofia Mattsson) arrived at the Home and Heart channel ready to face her fears, but remembered her mental breakdown last year. Haven deHaviland (Morgan Fairchild) did not like the idea of working with Sasha again at all and let her know it. She wanted to know where Maxie (Kirsten Storms) was as Sasha tried to smooth things over. Brook Lynn (Amanda Setton) soon showed up to come to Sasha’s rescue.

Lucy (Lynn Herring) was the next one to come to Sasha’s side, assuring her that things would be okay, but Haven was already planning to sabotage her behind the scenes to boost ratings. She had her production team hit social media with speculation on what might go wrong with Sasha’s appearance just so they would tune in.

At least Flora Gardens (Susan Batten) was there to be kind to Sasha for this on-air appearance. However, she was hawking baby bath salts and worried that might be too much for Sasha. Brook Lynn immediately figured out this was a setup when she glanced at social media. Sasha didn’t care and was determined to go on with the show to prove nobody should bet against her. However, when the show began, Sasha was surprised to hear a crying baby in her earpiece.

Gladys (Bonnie Burroughs) was not happy to see Cody (Josh Kelly) at The Savoy after suffering a big poker loss. Gladys wanted nothing to do with him, so he approached Scott at the bar and asked him to be his lawyer. Cody offered Scott (Kin Shriner) up to 20K to represent him, but Scott refused. As for Gladys, she now owed a lot more money to Selina (Lydia Look), who wanted her to pay up using Sasha’s money immediately.

Mac (John J. York) and Felicia (Kristina Wagner) watched the goings-on from a table while Felicia questioned why her husband chose to have drinks at The Savoy. That was when Scott interrupted and questioned them about Holly’s (Emma Samms) reappearance. After all, she was the one who chloroformed him. They told him everything, and he just wanted to know where the Ice Princess necklace was. He then told Cody the whole sordid tale thinking the missing necklace really belonged to Dominique’s offspring. Scott wanted him to sign an affidavit that he was Leopold Taub’s son, something Cody wasn’t sure he could do — especially when he glanced over at Mac.

Cody was then put on high alert when Felicia announced what she was seeing on social media regarding Sasha. He ran from The Savoy to make sure his new friend would make it through her TV appearance okay.

Anna (Finola Hughes) finally made her way home after months of being on the run and found Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) there making her a meal. They were thrilled to reunite with one another as they went over their little adventure and all her paperwork with the WSB. Of course, Robert (Tristan Rogers) popped in and interrupted them. She tried to get Robert to leave, but he poured himself a drink and was ready to stay.

Robert also invited himself for dinner, and when Valentin left the room, he took Anna to task for risking her life just to be with Valentin as his life almost came to a close.

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