Born in 1997, Michael Corinthos III has had a tumultuous life on General Hospital. Over the years, several actors became synonymous with the role, including Dylan Cash, who played Michael as a youngster from 2002 to 2008. In 2009, he was SORAS’d to an older fellow portrayed by Drew Garrett from 2009 to 2010. But since then, Chad Duell has become the actor most closely associated with Michael. He has been a huge fan favorite. When he announced his exit, fans were stunned. But not as stunned as they were when Michael was engulfed in flames with his fate yet to be determined. It’s been a rocky road for the young man, so let’s take a look at his life thus far.
He Started Life With a Bang
Michael figuratively hit the ground running right after he was born. His mother, Carly Spencer, who was originally played by Sarah Joy Brown and went by the name Carly Benson, found herself pregnant with AJ Quartermaine’s baby. But AJ was an alcoholic. And since she didn’t think he’d be a very good father figure, she claimed that Jason (Steve Burton) was the father, and he went along with the ruse. But because of postpartum depression, Carly left Jason to raise Michael on his own. Robin (Kimberly McCullough) helped Jason. But after a while, she couldn’t take the lies and blabbed the truth that AJ was Michael’s father.
Eventually, Carly returned and married Sonny (Maurice Benard). The mobster hung AJ from a meathook and forced him to relinquish his rights as Michael’s father. Subsequently, Sonny officially adopted Michael as his own son. Before that, Michael was kidnapped by Tony Jones (Brad Maule) because he thought it was his child, and later, Michael, his brother Morgan, and sister Kristina were kidnapped by the diabolical mobstress Faith Rosco (Cynthia Preston). Things would continue to get bumpy for Michael. He later got shot in the head and landed in a coma for a year.
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Things Kept Getting Worse
Upon awakening, he had issues with his memory and his anger. And he ended up killing Claudia Zacchara, who attempted to steal Carly’s baby as she was giving birth. As a result, Michael landed in prison and was horribly raped. After getting out, his then-girlfriend Abby was killed when a crane accidentally dropped its load on her head. He was distraught when he found out that Sonny killed AJ in cold blood and, for a time, changed his last name to Quartermaine. Although Sonny ended up saving several people from a bomb, Michael sued him for custody of his sister Avery. He deemed his dear old dad’s lifestyle to be too dangerous.
He was devastated later when his then-girlfriend Sabrina wound up pregnant with another man’s child, and she fell victim to a serial killer in the hospital. To make matters worse, Morgan was killed when a car exploded. Michael found himself in a relationship with Nelle, but she turned out to be nuttier than a fruitcake, leaving him for dead and trying to pass off a dead baby for hers and Michael’s son Wiley. When the truth came out, he and Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) pretended to be an item to gain custody of the boy.
Eventually, the two fell in love for real and got married. Willow almost died from leukemia but survived, and she and Michael would later have a baby named Amelia. However, she recently ended up sleeping with his uncle Drew (Cameron Mathison), and Michael saw the dirty deed on a nanny cam video. Presently, he was in a major explosion at Sonny’s penthouse, and his fate remains unknown. (Find out what MacMullen thinks of Willow’s scandalous affair.)
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