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Here’s What Rick Hearst Really Thinks About General Hospital’s Ric and Ava Pairing

Rick Hearst went into detail about how Ric and Ava totally get each other, making them a fun and complex couple.

General Hospital's Ava and Ric with the Soap Hub logo across the bottom.General Hospital's Rick Hearst opened up about the real reason why Ric and Ava work as a couple.

General Hospital fans were not surprised at all when Ric and Ava kissed again on the February 10 episode. They have a great deal of chemistry, and it only seems natural that the two would eventually fall into each other’s arms. They have a lot in common, with both being schemers and not well-liked in Port Charles. Rick Hearst opened up about what makes Ric and Ava such a compelling couple. 

They Understand Each Other

Hearst took some time to sit down with Soap Opera Digest and dive into what makes Ric and Ava (Maura West) tick, which he referred to as “a complex, interesting relationship.” Both are somewhat pariahs in the town because of their past and recent schemes. While Ava has her nephew Lucas (Van Hansis) as her sole adult family member to lean on, Ric “has nobody but his daughter [Molly] — and that, from day to day, becomes a tenuous situation for him,” Hearst remarked.

He also noted that Ric and his ex-wife Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) can’t even be in each other’s proximity “without tearing each other to shreds.” Meanwhile, his brother Sonny (Maurice Benard) has all but disowned him. That being said, Hearst explained that both Ric and Ava have a mutual understanding of each other.

READ THIS: Find out what’s coming up in Port Charles.

They Could Be Either Good or Toxic

Hearst elaborated, “There’s no pretense between the two of them. They’re not trying to be anyone they aren’t.” He also explained that the two are good for each other. They don’t tell each other that something they’re doing is either right or wrong. He feels that the way Ric and Ava act as each other’s conscience is that one will tell the other, “I see where you’re going with this, and it’s probably not going to get you the outcome that you want.”

Hearst further noted that Ric and Ava are somewhat turned on by each other’s bad behavior. He explained that when Ric first met Ava, he didn’t try to pretend to be a good guy. He simply was himself: “No, this is me. I’m too old to turn around and go the other direction and change. You get what you get.” Whether or not their relationship is good for each of them or becomes volatile and toxic remains to be seen. (Learn how Ava and Ric recently had a top 10 moment.)

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