Six months later, General Hospital fans are still wondering why the soap chose to kill off Sabrina to put Michael with someone who should have ended up being his sister if Nelle’s story had gone a way that didn’t leave us scratching our heads.
Yes, the whole Nelle (Chloe Lanier) and Michael (Chad Duell) pairing is one of soaps’s greatest recent conundrums. Why is Nelle not a Spencer when she looks like a young Spencer sister? Why would anyone go to Carly’s adoptive sister for a kidney for Joss? Why are Nelle and Michael being forced on us when according to Soap Hub’s latest poll, GH fans really don’t like them.
When asked if you think Michael and Nelle should give it another go despite her lies, about 8,000 weighed in and there is definitely a majority opinion here.
Just NO!
A full 79% think GH needs to move in another direction and perhaps make Nelle a Spencer after all, making sure she can never have a relationship with Michael cause these two are as bland as saltless soup. You also just want Sabrina (Teresa Castillo) back, like seriously want her back. There was no reason to kill her and the fact that Nelle has taken her place in Michael’s heart in an instant is almost offensive.
Another 12% of you are not sure what to think. You want to see Michael have some happiness and figure, okay, if Nelle puts a smile on his face, maybe they can give it a go. But whenever you think of Sabrina, your mind waffles. You still can’t believe she’s dead and Michael has forgotten Teddy exists–because of this lying liar named Nelle.
Hey, We Like Them!
On the flip side, a whole 9% of you like Michael and Nelle together. That’s about 700 people out of 8,000 who voted. You may even get your wish to see these two become a full-fledged couple because it looks like the least popular people somehow end up winning the prize in the 21st century. Who knows? Maybe Michael and Nelle could be the next great thing, although thousands of you doubt it.
General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Win exclusive member-only GH spoilers, prizes, and more: sign up here! Also, join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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