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Little Jake Needs Franco and Here’s Why – See If You Agree!

General HospitalGeneral Hospital

Jake has been resistant to therapy sessions with Andre, preferring to talk to his pal Franco instead.

The tyke’s choice of confidantes doesn’t sit well with his father, Jason (Billy Miller), who continues to loathe Franco (Roger Howarth) based on their past history.

While Jake’s mom, Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst), sees the headway Franco has made with her son, she’s agreed to take the boy to Andre (Anthony Montgomery) out of respect for Jason’s wishes.

Unfortunately, it’s left a confused and troubled Jake caught in the middle and wondering why his good buddy Franco has abandoned him. Should Franco be allowed to continue working with the tot? General Hospital fans shared some thoughts on the dilemma.

Yes, Jake Likes Him
Of the nearly 5000 fans who weighed in, 48% think Franco should be allowed to continue working with young Jake. It’s obvious the child likes and trusts him, and he’s opened up to Franco in a way he hasn’t with anyone else.

Jason should get on board for his son’s sake and put aside his hatred for Franco. It’s clear he’s changed and only has Jake’s best interests at heart.

Franco and Andre Should Work Together
Some 46% of you have suggested a compromise; namely, that Franco and Andre both work with Jake. Andre has the expertise and could supervise their sessions with Jake, while Franco uses his friendship with the child to continue to draw him out.

With Andre in charge, Jason might be a bit more amenable to having Franco involved, and it would certainly make Jake feel more comfortable.

No, Jason’s Right to Distrust Him
The final 6% of you totally understand Jason’s distrust for Franco. He’s done some horrific things in the past and Jason’s wary of having him around his son; especially in such a position of influence. There are plenty of competent psychiatrists in Port Charles, and Andre is among the best of them. In time, Jake will open up to him.

General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Win exclusive member-only GH spoilers, prizes, and more: sign up here! Also, join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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