For months on end, every time we saw Brad and Lucas (which was admittedly not much) on General Hospital (GH), they spent their time worrying that the birth mother of their adoptive baby would change her mind at the last minute and back out of their agreement.
Well, Brad spent most of his time trying to convince Lucas nothing would go wrong, and Lucas fretted. So, when the ultimate thing went wrong – the baby died before Lucas could even know he was born – Brad went into panic mode.
While he didn’t set out to commit the ultimate hoax, his panic got the best of him and when he had the opportunity to present Lucas with a living and breathing son, he took it. (Never mind Nelle’s twisted little mind’s opportunity to present Michael with a dead son.)
Now, baby “Morgan” (we think) is with his Uncle Lucas and Michael is none the wiser. Neither is Lucas, but Brad hasn’t thought about that nagging feeling Lucas had for months. The birth mother still can change her mind.
Birth mothers have that right for a set amount of time, and we have yet to even meet this woman.
Could she be a character we know? Could she be a random character? And, whoever she is, what happens if she wants her son back.
Does Brad really hand over Michael Cortinthos’ son if that’s what the law tells him to do? Did the mother see her baby before giving him up? Will she know this was not the child she gave birth to?
There are so many loose ends in Nelle’s hasty and sociopathic plan that she didn’t think of this distinct possibility. And sadly, neither did Brad…
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.
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