Breaking General Hospital spoilers for Monday, February 20 show Port Charles people and relationships in great danger – but will things get better – or worse?! Hang on tight and get ready for an exciting episode you won’t want to miss!
Up a Certain Creek
Julian (William deVry) knows Olivia (Tonja Walker) holds his future and the future of all he loves in the palm of her hand.
Despite that, being under her thumb is not a comfortable position, especially for as long as this has been going on, which is why you’d think he’d know better than to promise her something like delivering GH without knowing for sure. Spoilers reveal that Julian makes a grave mistake. The bigger question is – who will pay the price?
Forgiveness Is Divine?
Sam (Kelly Monaco) knows the hell her father put her mother through, and she never wants to see Alexis in that kind of state again. Sam worries that Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) may be too forgiving. Does Alexis tell her what happened with Julian earlier?
Doctor On Call
Still stuck in the hospital, Anna (Finola Hughes) starts to get antsy. She yells out, asking if there’s a doctor available. Robin (Kimberly McCullough) appears at the door and asks if she’ll do.
Too Vulnerable
Sonny tells Jason (Billy Miller) that something is up with Nelle (Chloe Lanier). Again, Jason advises Sonny to come clean. But Sonny hasn’t always been one…continue reading on the next page —>

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