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General Hospital Prediction: Sonny’s Future In Port Charles

General Hospital Sonny SybilGeneral Hospital Sonny Sybil

Considering their past with children and what doctors have been saying, Sonny is scared when Carly is ready to deliver, but I – Sybil the Psychic – plan to look into his General Hospital future to see if things will turn out okay.

By examining my crystal ball, laying out the cards, and reading the tea leaves, I plan to predict what’s coming up for Sonny (Maurice Benard). But I make no promises because let’s face it – it’s not an exact science (and I’m not really that…talented). Okay, it’s time to dig in.

Sonny In General Hospital

The crystal ball shows that it’s almost time for the newest member of the Corinthos family to arrive, but just like the rest of the family, there will be some drama. While Sonny will make it to Carly’s (Laura Wright) side in time, that won’t solve all that ails them.

No child of theirs can ever enter the world in a smooth fashion. It also may seem like things for Sonny never work out the way he wants them to if he can’t control everything, but will it work out for him this time? Let’s see what the cards have to say.

A Few Weeks Down The Line

Sonny pulled out the Lovers Tarot card, which many think is about love but it’s more complex. It could indicate important or difficult choices ahead in Sonny’s life. It tells a story of difficult choices, likely painful, but also tells that the correct decision and a positive outcome are within Sonny’s grasp.

As for the past, the emotional burden of a recent conflict will soon lift and a successful outcome reached. In the present, there is an approaching conflict on General Hospital that will test Sonny’s values. As for the future, the right choice will be made only if Sonny has accepted others and himself.

Further Into the Future

In reading his tea leaves, I, Sybil the Psychic, spy an owl, which indicates sickness or poverty — and it also is a warning against starting a new venture. General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: General Hospital

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