Let’s review Liesl Obrecht’s General Hospital crimes, shall we? She worshiped crazy Faison (Anders Hove). She kidnapped Robin (Kimberly McCullough) and let her family think she was dead. She was a terrible mother to Britt (Kelly Thiebaud). She kidnapped the baby she thought was Britt’s so she could give Faison a grandson.
She then revealed that she actually had given Faison a son, but she hid him with her sister, Madeline (Donna Mills). Which, considering the alternative, was actually a blessing for Nathan (Ryan Paevey). And Madeline wasn’t exactly mother of the year, either.
Liesl (Kathleen Gati) has been more or less forgiven for all of the above. She has a job. She walks the streets free. Maxie (Kirsten Storms) even lets her play Grandma to baby James. So why are we even discussing whether Liesl should be forgiven for lying to Nina (Cynthia Watros) about Sasha (Sofia Mattsson)? Here’s what more than 2,000 fans think:
General Hospital: Go Ahead
Is it any surprise 48% went with yes? See all of the other sins above. Liesl can obviously do no wrong. She’s Teflon. So what if she knew all along that Sasha wasn’t Nina’s daughter, that Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) faked the DNA test, that her niece was living a lie? So what? Live and let live! Forgive and forget! Cliché and cliché!
Time Warp
An almost equal 43% of General Hospital fans agree that Nina should forgive Liesl… but it should take some time. Like, maybe, a long weekend. That seems to be about as long as everyone else took to get a case of amnesia.
Never Again
Only 9% voted no. It’s amusing that they think it will actually take. Haven’t they learned yet that the woman lives in some other world, where even Anna (Finola Hughes) isn’t allowed to sneer her way? It’s almost like Liesl is Sonny (Maurice Benard).
Video Credit: General Hospital
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