Let’s face it: What’s really keeping Carly in Port Charles and on General Hospital (GH)?
Her son Morgan (Bryan Craig) is dead (but remember, even though it looked like Sonny’s fault and Sonny admitted it was his fault, it was absolutely not Sonny’s fault).
Her other son, Michael (Chad Duell), is mooning over Nelle (Chloe Lanier), Carly’s sort-of sister, who broke up Carly’s sort of marriage.
And speaking of that marriage, Carly and Sonny (Maurice Benard) have never been able to make it work before, so odds are, the fifth time ain’t the charm, either.
The only child of Carly’s (Laura Wright) who really still needs her is Joss (Eden McCoy). She’s a teen, and if Carly remembers herself at that age, then she knows Joss will require some serious guidance from her mother (not that poor Virginia Benson was ever able to get all that much sense into her Caroline’s skull, but she did try).
Joss needs her dad, too. Except Sonny just got Jax (Ingo Rademacher) deported back to his native Australia. If Joss follows Jax Down Under, should Carly go, too? Over 5,000 viewers played travel agent.
Stay With Me, Baby
No, shout 70% of fans! Carly can’t go to Australia! It’s where they keep convicts! And iocane powder! Robert (Tristan Rogers) and Holly (Emma Samms) moved to Australia, and they ended up cheating on each other and dying — and their marriage was a heck of a lot stronger than Carly and Sonny’s to begin with!
If Carly follows Joss and Jax, odds are she won’t come back like a boomerang. She’ll end up staying. And Port Charles just won’t be the same without her.
Gone, Girl
Forget Sonny, urge a contrary 30%. Jax is your soulmate, and the two of you should be raising Joss together, not ping-ponging the poor thing between continents. She’s not well, you know. You don’t want that kidney acting up (like Nelle did). Take this deportation as a blessing in disguise and reunite your family, Carly!
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