General Hospital (GH) had us fooled a few weeks ago when Rebecca Budig and Hayden vanished from sight, leaving a jilted bridegroom behind wondering where on earth she is.
We thought Finn (Michael Easton) would never get closure, wondering where his former fiancé and his baby was forever, leaving the character in story limbo. Well, today Finn got the (false) closure he didn’t want with a note from Hayden–with a BIG lie.
Clearly, nothing is wrong with his and Hayden’s baby and the little one is still cooking in there, as evidenced by Hayden’s bump and belly rub.
That leaves the door WIDE open for the character and the actress’s return, and we have a sneaking feeling this detailed setup was presented to us for a reason. Heck, we even know that Hayden’s new alias is Madison Ford.
When GH first fired Budig, we wondered if there were ever plans to one day bring her back and if this bonus scene was due to fan outrage.
The actress has said she’d gladly return and Executive Producer Frank Valentini is on the record saying he won’t rule it out. Perhaps the cast budget tightened a bit recently and one day things can change because we’ve rarely seen such an ajar door with so much story left to tell.
Right now we have recently-recovered opioid addict Finn crushed to learn the woman he loves is gone and the baby he wanted died.
And, we have that woman out there with a new identity still carrying that child. Who wants to make a bet Finn falls back into his drug habit, is saved by yet another caring woman, and soon after who should show up back in town but Rachel/Hayden/Madison–baby in tow?
Perhaps that’s just what we want…or perhaps that’s the way it’s meant to be. Only time will tell.
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