There’s a Terrible Twin running around on General Hospital, and his name is Ryan (Jon Lindstrom). There’s a Terrified Twin locked up in a mental institution and his name is Kevin (also Jon Lindstrom).
To make the situation even worse, Ryan is pretending to be Kevin. And more horrible than that, Kevin’s wife, Laura (Genie Francis), is finally back in town… and kind of confused about why her husband wants nothing to do with her.
So, we know the characters are suffering. But how do the fans feel? Over 4,000 viewers rated themselves on the scale of Yay to Nay:
Pull the Plug
Watching Kevin suffer isn’t fun, 85% of you point out. Watching Laura suffer isn’t fun. And watching Ryan get away with what he’s doing isn’t exactly your idea of a good time, either. So why is this story happening?
It was bad enough Laura left Port Charles practically a minute after she and Kevin said “I do,” so viewers were cheated out of watching them be a happily married couple.
Now, you’ve finally got her back, and she thinks her husband is shutting her out? What kind of Love In the Afternoon is this?
You need a quick switch-a-roo in the other direction, with Ryan back in the loony bin, Laura back in Kevin’s arms, and Felicia (Kristina Wagner) never the obsession of anyone ever again.
I’m Loving It
However, for 15%, this is classic soap at its finest! Who needs a happy couple when you can have angst, misunderstandings, and drama?
What are Laura and Kevin supposed to do, sit around discussing other people’s problems? Complaining about Spencer (Nicholas Bechtel)? Worrying about Lulu (Emme Rylan)? Or, even worse, waxing poetic about how happy they are?
Unless there’s a triangle with Lucy (Lynn Herring) on the horizon, this story will do, as long as it puts Laura and Kevin on the front burner.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: BeckyTM

Video Credit: General Hospital
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