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Do You Think Julian Will Sweet Talk His Way Back into Alexis’s Life on General Hospital? Fans Weigh In

Julexis on General HospitalJulexis on General Hospital

Julian still professes to love  Alexis and wants her back, despite the fact that he tried to kill her on General Hospital this past summer.

Now that he’s been acquitted of all charges, including conspiring to off Duke, killing Carlos, and attempting to murder Alexis, Julian (William deVry) is free and clear to live his life and try to win back his wife.. So far, Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) has held firm that she wants no part of him, insisting her love for Julian died along with his victims. She’s determined to put back the pieces of her shattered life and move forward solo. Julian, however, is focused on one thing: finding his way back into her heart.

Julexis Forever
Julian’s crimes haven’t swayed half of “Julexis” fans. In fact, 50% firmly believe the murderous mobster will worm his way back into Alexis’s life. No matter what, you still sense a strong love and bond between the twosome. Yes, it will take time and probably some type of major heroic act on Julian’s part, but considering Alexis’s track record as the poster girl for “Smart Women, Foolish Choices,” you can’t and won’t give up hope.

Dead End
The Julian/Alexis relationship is dead and there’s no hope of resuscitation, say 43% of you. Granted, Alexis has always had a weak spot for “bad boys” in the past and found herself inexplicably drawn to them. But, once Julian’s murder crimes were exposed and he held a dagger to her throat and threatened to slit it, Alexis saw the light. She’s totally done with him, and there’s absolutely nothing he can do to change that.

Torn Between Two Answers
The remaining 7% of fans are torn over this one and uncertain how it will all play out. While you love Julian and Alexis together and are really rooting for them to reconcile, you’re finding it impossible to believe they can. But it’s a soap opera, so you know that anything can happen.

GH airs weekdays on ABC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Win exclusive member-only General Hospital prizes, and more: sign up here!


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