Carly General Hospital
One reality on General Hospital is that if there’s a major plot going on, Carly somehow either sticks her nose in it or gets involved. And, that’s the way it should be.
After all, the character debuted more than two decades ago and just plain stuck. She was everywhere from the beginning, so why shouldn’t she remain everywhere now?
What would Port Charles be without Carly throwing herself into every story? In the last year, she was gaslit, accused of attempted murder, ended up in Ferncliff, became obsessed with a mystery neighbor there, and now finds herself an advocate for mental health.
She’s also had to deal with a new DA, and her husband’s new-found attachment to her.
Carly has been there for Mike’s Alzheimer’s tale. She’s there for Joss, smack dab in the middle of Oscar’s cancer story. She’s even involved with a baby switch she doesn’t yet know happen because that baby is her grandson.
And now, because she is Avery’s step-mother and won’t stop poking around Fernclff, she and Sonny have made Ryan’s hit list.
Through it all Carly has attitude to spare, with her always-amusing facial reactions, and thinking she’s continuously doing the right things, although more than half the time she does the wrong thing and it backfires in her face.
We also love watching Carly and Ava go at it. These two massively flawed women are so much fun to watch. Not to mention, Laura Wright and Maura West play them both to perfection.
Laura Wright is the fourth actress to play Carly, but she’s been there so long and made the role her very own that we can’t imagine anyone else playing it.
And let’s not forget what a treat it is to see Carly with Kim, played by second Carly, Tamara Braun. What could possibly be better than two Carlys for the price of one?
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.
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