Sometimes it was easier to watch soaps when you didn’t know all the behind-the-scenes news way in advance. On General Hospital (GH), we know Rebecca Budig will be gone any day and the way Hayden’s end story is being written is just painful.
Happiness rarely lasts on a soap, but we are used to a couple finding happiness, having a honeymoon period, and then conflict appears.
In this case, Hayden and Finn are at the TOO happy point, and we know there is no way this is going to end well for either one of them due to Budig’s forced departure.
Right now, the Soap Hub team is on edge, wondering each day if this is it–will the happiness end? And with each day, the pair just grows closer. It’s almost like we want the writers to rip the Band-Aid off already because we know what’s coming.
Today, we were sure Hayden would refuse to marry Finn (Michael Easton) after the encounter with her ex. In fact, at the start of the hour we thought he might injure her, causing a miscarriage–or even kill her.
But alas, by the end of the show, Hayden and Finn were happy again, engaged, and planning their life with baby while we still know the other shoe is about to drop.
One reason this is especially cringe-worthy to watch is because they’re a pretty great pair and we spent a lot of time rooting for them.
We watched Hayden develop, learned her past as Rachel Berlin (and today learned she hit a kid while drunk driving–that was a shocker), and she grew into one of our favorite characters.
Rebecca Budig is also one of our favorite soap actresses, endearing herself to us for years as All My Children’s Greenlee (and before that, as Guiding Light’s Michelle Bauer).
It’s a testament to her that this con woman character got so far with the audience and became part of such a likable couple. Therefore, this impending doom is even more senseless–and yes, horrid to watch.
General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Win exclusive member-only GH spoilers, prizes, and more: sign up here! Also, join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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