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Six OMG Moments We Loved About Ambitions’ Latest Episode

Ambitions Stephanie and Evan July 3, 2019Ambitions

The latest episode of Ambitions, titled Welcome To Birmingham, featured Stephanie Carlisle Lancaster, her family, friends, and foes spinning webs, suppressing secrets, and – in one couple’s case – playing Twister!

Of course, there was the usual dose of jealousy, secrets, and machinations we’ve come to expect and love, but here are six big moments that really got our attention from this week’s installment of Ambitions!

The Company Ink
Amara put some well-founded fear into Daphne as she tried to get her to blab about her affair with Evan. It was a tense back and forth as both women jockeyed for the power position! Scenes like this are always fun to watch because you never know who’s going to come out on top…so to speak.

The Fifth One Is Free
Rondell isn’t quite in the driver’s seat when going up against her sister-in-law Stephanie (Robin Givens) over the sale of Thelma’s Place, but she got in a solid dig when she suggested her brother, Evan, get his wife another Botox treatment to do away with her crow’s feet! (Snap!)

Clair Huxtable and Blair Underwood (LA LAW)
At a jazz club, Titus and Stephanie reminisced about their days in law school and how they longed to be famous TV attorneys. Kudos to Ambitions for employing a soap staple seldom seen anymore — the fake fantasy moment — when Titus reached out to caress Stephanie’s hair. Maybe next time it’ll be real?

Pleasure And Pain
Evan hid in Bella’s bedroom after asking her to get rid of hottie Roderick, who drops by unexpectedly. Tired of Evan’s empty promises, she had Roderick stay and had sex with him — forcing Evan to witness all. That’s cold!

Razr Burn
Even funnier than watching Titus and Amara theorize what it’d be like to have Deja’s blue-haired beau Razr as a son-in-law was seeing the two playing a sexy game of Twister after her daughter went off to a concert!

You’re No Viola Davis
Stephanie puts down Carly’s acting, er, ambitions by telling her she’s no Viola Davis. Is Ambitions putting out a call to the Emmy and Oscar-winning actress? Are you watching Viola? Can you do a guest spot in Season 2? We’re down with that! Ambitions airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on OWN.

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