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Why It’s Time For Bill To Have a Romance On When Calls the Heart Season 13

WCTH star Jack Wagner teased a possible Season 13 storyline involving Bill and Georgie.

When Calls the Heart Jack Wagner with the Soap Hub logo.Jack Wagner shares BTS secrets on Bill and Georgie's passionate kiss.

Jack Wagner teased a possible spoiler for Season 13 of When Calls the Heart. Hearties are dying to know if Hallmark will renew the show, but the network hasn’t announced anything yet. In the meantime, Wagner reveals why it’s high time for his onscreen persona to have a romance.

Time For Love

Bill (Wagner) reconnected with his crush, Georgie (Melissa Gilbert). The two shared a passionate kiss in WCTH Season 12, Episode 10. Georgie confessed to Bill that she’s always loved him. She admired that he “always treated women with such respect.” When they revealed their feelings for one another, they shared a long, steamy kiss.

The kiss took Hearties by surprise. They didn’t expect it. However, Wagner revealed on Facebook Live that it was meant to happen. He first brought up this idea with Gilbert, and they agreed to allow these “unspoken moments” to unfold in the episode. Gilbert and Wagner rehearsed their kiss before filming, but they got into a fit of giggles, reports Entertainment Now.

Wagner recalled this moment with his WCTH co-stars, which caused them to roar in laughter. He joked that he shared another kissing scene with a pony named Pal, which the show removed from the episode. The cast couldn’t stop cracking up at his story.

MORE: Kevin McGarry shares thoughts on WCTH renewal for Season 13.

Season 13 Teasers

Wagner also teased possibilities for Season 13. He wants to see Bill and Georgie’s romance blossom. In fact, it’s been a long time coming. Wagner has kissed many leading ladies over the years, such as Lisa Rinna and Heather Locklear. But it’s been a while since he’s kissed someone else onscreen. Wagner is happy about Bill and Georgie’s sweet romance.

“I think it was great for the character, Bill, to have, you know, that spark, and then Pascale – or Rosemary – sees it and then fills Elizabeth in, and so it just becomes a thing,” Wagner remarked. “I think it also just gives us a little bit of, you know, somewhere to go if Melisssa comes back for season 13, and I couldn’t be happier to maybe have a love interest for Bill Avery.”

Wagner isn’t the only one who feels this way. Hearties have been impatiently waiting for Georgie and Bill’s romance to unfold on the show. They looked forward to Gilbert’s return, which was years in the making. What are your thoughts on Bill and Georgie? Let us know in the comment section.

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