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Everyman: Why Lucas is Days of Our Lives’ Most Relatable Character


When it comes to Days of Our Lives (DOOL) characters that fans adore, one has been at the top of the heap for decades: Lucas Horton.

First introduced as a military school cadet back in 1993, viewers have watched Lucas and actor Bryan Dattilo grow up before their eyes. Not to mention weather his share of storms and struggles as he’s gone from spoiled teenager to manipulative 20-something to imperfect middle-aged man.

In the process Lucas has emerged as the show’s most relatable character. Here are a few reasons why.

He’s Every Man
Lucas may not be the tallest man in the room, nor does he possess the classic model good looks synonymous with soap hunks, but he’s charming, down to earth, and funny as heck. Plus, he has an intangible appeal that viewers can relate to. He’s every man and totally approachable.

Love Hurts
When it comes to women, Lucas hasn’t had much luck. They always love and leave him – from Carrie (Christie Clark) to Sami (Alison Sweeney) and Sheryl (Jade Harlow) to Adrienne (Judi Evans) and everyone in between.

He’s had his heart broken on numerous occasions. Male and female fans know what that’s like, which makes Lucas a character you can’t help but sympathize with and want to root for to find his happily ever after.

Meddling Mom
Let’s face it, there are millions of adults out there who are still attached to their mothers’ apron strings, and Lucas is one of them.

Despite being in his forties, Kate (Lauren Koslow) continues to insert herself in every area of his life and treat him like he’s still a teenager. Coping with his meddling mom has become a full-time job for the poor guy. Sound familiar? Of course, it does.

Fabulously Flawed
Perfection is overrated — and hard to come by. Fans prefer watching someone who struggles day in and day out, a person with issues and problems. Lucas fits the bill to a tee.

He’s fabulously flawed from being Kate’s illegitimate son with Bill Horton to facing the demons of alcohol and struggling with his sobriety. It all makes him totally sympathetic.

Super Dad
Despite his faults, Lucas can be proud of one thing in his life: he emerged into a super dad over the years. He had a best friend relationship with Will, was always there for young Allie before she left town with Sami, and even promised to look after Johnny after EJ’s demise.

From a fan standpoint that’s something to cheer about and embrace, and it shows Lucas’s innate goodness.

Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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