Sarah Horton has come home to Days of Our Lives, played by The Bold and the Beautiful alum Linsey Godfrey. This is great news for some. While others are left scratching their heads, asking “Sarah who?”
Do you remember Maggie’s little girl? Here are 8,000 fans searching their memory banks.
Who, What, Where Now?
Not really, 56% sheepishly admit. You know who Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) is, and her last name is Horton, so that means she’s a member of a core family, probably via Maggie’s late husband Mickey, but other than that….
You remember Maggie and Mickey’s older daughter, Melissa. She danced, and she had that hot boyfriend with the 80s hair, plus there have been a few more visits here and there. But Sarah? Nope. Drawing a blank. So she’s engaged to Rex (Kyle Lowder) now? That’s… uhm… nice?
Of Course
Now you’ve insulted me, 26% huff, offended. Of course, we remember Sarah! There was that whole story in 1981, where Maggie decided to be a surrogate mother just to see what pregnancy was like (this is before that daughter appeared – and disappeared).
Evan (Lane Davies – pre-Santa Barbara snark) was the presumed father, but he eventually gave up his rights and Mickey raised Sarah as his own. Until another twist was revealed when Neil (Joe Gallison), Maggie’s doctor from that time, admitted that Sarah was his, not Evan’s.
He’d decided to play God and switched sperm samples because… reasons. So, damn Skippy you remember Sarah!
And then there are 18% of you who remember Sarah so well, you remember that she should be about 37 years old by now. And didn’t she leave town as a young adult in the early 90s? (Never heard about again till now.)
Linsey Godfrey is almost a decade younger. Is it still SORAS if the character is rapidly aged down instead of up? And does it matter, as Sarah never had much to do while she was on the canvas originally?

Video Credit: exquisiteXproduction

Video Credit: Nicole Brady
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