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The Guilt Is Eating Him Alive! Should Joey Turn Himself In on Days of Our Lives (DOOL)?

Days of Our LivesDays of Our Lives

Tortured by the dark secret he’s been keeping for over a year – the fact that he’s the one who killed Ava – Joey wants to turn himself in to the cops on Days of Our Lives (DOOL).

Ever the protective parents, Steve (Stephen Nichols) and Kayla (Mary Beth Evans) convinced Joey to keep mum about what he did. Neither of them could bear the thought of their son being convicted of murder and sent to prison, so Steve took the fall for the crime.

But now that Tripp (Lucas Adams) knows the truth, Joey wants to stop the lies, step up, and pay for what he did.

Soap Hub asked fans if you feel Joey should turn himself in to the cops? Some 11,000 of you weighed in.

No, Case Closed!
As far as the law is concerned, this murder case is closed and 40% of you think it should stay that way. There’s absolutely no reason for Joey to ‘fess up, now.

Offing Ava was totally understandable. She played manipulative mind games with Joey (James Lastovic) and got what she deserved.

Yes, The Secret’s Tormenting Him
This secret has been eating at Joey for over a year, and he can’t take it anymore. The only way for him to get passed what he’s done and move on is to turn himself in and pay for his crime, say 44% of you.

Let Tripp Decide
Since Ava was Tripp’s mother, 16% of you feel he should be the one to decide Joey’s fate. If he’s able to forgive Joey, then Joey should forgive himself. But if Tripp feels the only way to get through this is for Joey to serve time, then Joey should confess to the cops.

Days of our Lives airs weekdays on NBC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Win exclusive member-only DAYS spoilers, prizes, and more: sign up here! Also, join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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