Eric has finally learned to live life without Nicole on Days of Our Lives as he has fallen for Sarah, but I – Sybil the Psychic – plan to look into Eric’s future to see if upcoming news will rock his entire world (take three guesses and the first two don’t count).
By examining my crystal ball, laying out the cards, and reading the tea leaves, I plan to predict what’s coming up for Eric (Greg Vaughan). But I make no promises because let’s face it – it’s not an exact science (and I’m not really that…talented). Okay, it’s time to dig in.
Near Future
The crystal ball shows that Eric has been through a lot ever since he blamed himself for not being able to save Nicole (Arianne Zucker). So much has happened but Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) has been by his side and given up her life with his brother to love Eric.
Now the crystal ball sees that Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) is going to reveal something else that will shock Eric to his core — his beloved Nicole is alive and is with her daughter, Holly. It looks like he and Sarah don’t stand a chance now — or do they? Let’s see what the cards have to say.
A Few Weeks Down The Line
Eric pulled out the Ace of Cups card — which signals the beginning of a period of strong emotional health for Eric. He should expect lots of love, happiness, and plenty of joy during this period.
As for the past, Eric has had numerous occasions that prove his creative talent and ability to succeed in his efforts. The present shows that good news is going to bring joy and an extreme satisfaction in his life. As for the future, difficulties Eric faces in the future will take a toll on his emotions, but in the end, will bring about abundant joy.
Further Into the Future
In reading his tea leaves, I, Sybil the Psychic, spied a palm tree, which is a good omen. Eric should find success in any undertaking — including finding the love of his life! Could his happiest days be ahead? Days of Our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Days of our Lives
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