All this madness comes to a head on Friday when Kate pulls a gun on Ted. Will it be to finally get him to back off or does he say or do something new to provoke her rage?
Steve Has A Surprise
Steve (Stephen Nichols) certainly has a full plate. While he’s dealing with Kayla and her insistence on keeping secrets about Stefan from him, he’s also busy with Adrienne and her quest to track Bonnie Lockhart down.
Adrienne (Judi Evans) wants to make her face the music for breaking up with Lucas, reuniting with Justin, and blackmailing Victor into marriage…all while Adrienne rotted in prison.
But Steve’s surprise delights Adrienne. Will she finally get the chance to face off with Bonnie?
Days of our Lives (DOOL) airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: exquisiteXproduction
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