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Orpheus Offers To Trade Killer Information — For His Life

The DAYS recap for Friday, February 17, 2023: He hopes it’s an offer that his would-be-murderers won’t refuse.

days of our lives recap for friday, february 17, 2023 orpheus stares steve and john, his would be assassins in the eyes.Orpheus stares down his would-be assassins

On today’s Days of our Lives, with his death imminent, Orpheus suggests a trade — his survival for the identity of the orchid thief.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Satan offered Marlena (Deidre Hall) a two-for-one special and Kate (Lauren Koslow) managed to make serious inroads with Roman (Josh Taylor). Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Orpheus Entices His Captors

After letting John (Drake Hogestyn) and Steve (Stephen Nichols) into the prison infirmary, Lucas (Bryan Dattilo) was summarily dismissed. And it wasn’t so much John and Steve dispensing with his services, it was just the two of them looking out for Lucas. He’d done plenty. They wanted to take it from here.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Despite an attempt to argue with his betters, Lucas was forced to acquiesce — especially in light of the prison doctor popping his head in and giving Lucas an all-clear.

days of our lives recap for february 17, 2023 has john, lucas, and steve trying to cover their tracks with a doctor
Lucas Horton got them this far.

Opposite this, Orpheus told his favorite bent guard that something was amiss. Lucas seemed drunk earlier in the day, but he wasn’t buying it. A quick peruse of the room was all it took for Orpheus to find where Lucas dumped the whiskey he was handed, and the intrigued villain resolved to find out what was what.

Much to Orpheus’s chagrin, the moment he stepped foot into the infirmary, he was caught by his enemies and tied to the examining table. What exactly is their plan, inquired Orpheus. Why, shooting you full of drugs until you die, replied the dynamic duo. Hmmm, pondered Orpheus.

After getting nowhere appealing to John and Steve’s better angels, and striking out in spite of his promise to never, ever target anyone else the men love, Orpheus seemed out of options — but he had one final trick up his sleeve.

With the hotshot incoming — courtesy of an overly eager Steve — Orpheus wondered if the two wouldn’t rather learn the name of the person actually responsible for their loved ones’ deaths.

DOOL Recap: The Devil Is In The Details

Having had a think, Lucifer decreed that it would void Kate and Kayla’s (Mary Beth Evans) contracts on the proviso that Marlena stayed put. Deal, agreed Marlena. Would she have a chance to say goodbye to her besties? Of course, she would! But then it’s down to the very, very bad place…and for the first time, she’d get to see what her most ardent admirer really looked like!

days of our lives recap for february 17, 2023 has marlena striking a deal with devil doug
Marlena Evans struck a deal with the Devil.

Kate Roberts Reaches Out From The Great Beyond

Kate and Kayla were incredulous. Roman and Steve — their Roman and Steve — and John were planning to…kill Orpheus?! Say it isn’t so! But Nick (Blake Berris) couldn’t. And he didn’t want to. In fact, the Devil’s emissary took great pleasure in pulling up clips of the trio discussing the nitty gritty of their little operation.

This is all STEVE’S fault, huffed Kate. He’s leading Roman down the garden path! HOW DARE–well, yeah, Kayla had to admit that Kate was probably right. After all, Steve had made a similar suggestion not long before Orpheus set the women in his crosshairs. Still, Kayla didn’t appreciate Kate hurling factual statements as if they were insults. Instead, Kayla wanted to do something proactive.

Why don’t I try and reach Roman, suggested Kate. Great idea, responded Kayla — and she’ll help! The women’s efforts proved fruitful. Contact between Kate and her widower was achieved!

And sure, Roman looked a right fool interrupting his convo with Anna (Leann Hunley) to have a seemingly one-sided back-and-forth with Kate’s ashes, but hey, this is Salem. Who’s Anna to say that her ex wasn’t talking to Kate? Besides, whatever the truth, Roman had thought better of letting Steve and John go through with the killing, and Anna couldn’t have been more pleased.

days of our lives recap for february 17, 2023 has anna holding the urn with kate's ashes
Anna DiMera understands the importance of a loved one’s urn.

All For One And One For All

After admonishing Kate and Kayla for their unauthorized outreach — and threatening them with the ultimate punishment: Baby Shark on a loop — Nick welcomed Marlena back to the fold and was stupefied by her successful negotiations with his boss.

Kayla and Kate were thrilled to hear that they were Heaven-bound, but the cost of their upgrade brought them right back down to metaphorical Earth.

Kayla insisted that the trio present a united front and refuse to disband and Kate agreed — but only after doing her utmost to convince Kayla that they’d probably enjoy Paradise just as well without Mar Mar.

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