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Kristen DiMera Suggests To Rachel That They Should Leave Salem

The Days of our Lives recap for Wednesday, January 18, 2023, has Kristen DiMera plotting with her mini-me.

kristen diMera peers down at her daughter rachel as the two enjoy hot cocoa on a bench in the parkKristen and Rachel

On today’s Days of our Lives, Kristen DiMera suggested that she and her daughter ditch Salem for parts unknown since Kristen can feel that the walls are closing in on her.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition to Kristen’s mercenary suggestion, Steve (Stephen Nichols) convinced a whole host of heroes — and one former possessee — to skirt the law, John Black and Brady (Eric Martsolf) played Monday Morning Quarterback, and Li Shin (Remington Hoffman) convinced himself that Gabi Hernandez Shin-For-The-Short-Term still loves, like really, really loves him. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Kristen DiMera’s Flight Instincts Kick In

The last person that Kristen expected to come calling was Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin), and the last thing that she expected Chloe to do was to grab a fireplace poker and threaten to do the world a favor by ending her. If anything, it amused Kristen. Chloe? Kill (and not for the first time)? How hilarious!

Still, Chloe was worked into such a state that Stefan (Brandon Barash) felt it necessary to remove the sharp implement from her hands. Thanks, baby brother, offered Kristen. Don’t mention it, replied Stefan. No, really don’t mention it. Stefan actually has half a mind to follow through on what Chloe started.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

After being ordered out of her brother’s sight, Kristen slunk off to Rachel’s school and took off with her daughter (despite someone else being tasked to pick her up), whom she treated to some yummy hot cocoa. And lies. Lots and lots of lies. Lies concerning Chloe, whom Kristen swears is the reason she, Rachel, and Brady can’t be one big happy family. I hate Chloe, says Rachel. Me too, says Kristen. Isn’t it nice when family agrees?

Having sat on the idea for quite some time, Kristen suggests to Rachel that if she’d like to remain with her, they should up sticks and get as far away from Salem as possible. Would Rachel like that?

at the salem police department, rafe, steve, and jada speak with johnny dimera
Rafe, Steve, Jada, and Johnny

DOOL Recap: See Know Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil

Though he has Kristen on a recording confessing to inadvertently killing Kayla and Kate, Steve finds it almost impossible to get Rafe Hernandez (Galen Gering) and Jada (Elia Cantu) to bite. Something about proper procedure. Something about, you have to have consent to record people’s conversations. It’s all hogwash to Steve.

Luckily for everyone involved, Johnny (Carson Boatman), who owns one of the voices being recorded, agrees to say that he knew about the planted bug all along — and he approved it. Yay! Justice — or what passes for justice in Salem — prevails. Kristen can finally be arrested and jailed for her crimes, and all will be right with the world. Now, if only Kristen could be located.

at the hospital chapel, brady black and john black are stunned to hear that marlena's taken a turn
Brady and John

John and Brady Black Reflect And Regroup

Woe is Brady. Woe is John. The former is in a world of hurt since he couldn’t stop mean, mean, mean Kristen from hurting his loved ones, and the latter is in a world of hurt since his loved one is in a hospital, slowly dying. But what can they do? What could they have done? The answer to the last question is nothing much more than what they did do. The answer to the first question is pray. Marlena is in desperate need of a miracle, especially when Allie runs in to tell them that Marlena’s gotten worse.

Days of our Lives Recap: Backwards And Forwards

Where do Chloe and Stefan and Li and Gabi go from here? Great question! As it stands, Gabi is still pretty PO’d over Li’s shenanigans — so much so that she emptied a bucket full of ice over his noggin — and she doesn’t see herself forgiving him anytime soon…or ever.

For Chloe’s part, she’s still very much enamored of Stefan. For Stefan’s part, he’s still very much enamored of Chloe. That doesn’t bode well for Brady, because he’s still very much enamored of Chloe as well. Being in a pentangle is no fun.

chloe lane in a pretty blouse talks on the couch with stefan, wearing a suit, at the dimera mansion
Chloe and Stefan

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