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Gabi Hernandez Goes Low To Outsmart Li And Get To Dr. Rolf

The DAYS recap for Friday, January 27, 2023: Gabi pulls the wool over her husband’s eyes.

gabi hernandez and li shin engaged in what appears to be a passionate lip lock on the latter's motel room bed.Gabi and Li

On today’s Days of our Lives, Gabi Hernandez used her feminine wiles to get exactly what she wanted.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition to Gabi’s subterfuge, there was the continued disintegration of Allie (Lindsay Arnold) and Chanel’s (Raven Bowens) coupling, Sloan Petersen (Jessica Serfaty) making yet another less than fabulous first impression, and the beginning of something beautiful between EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) and Nicole (Arianne Zucker)…maybe. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Gabi Hernandez Successfully Schemes

Having wormed her way into Li Shin’s (Remington Hoffman) hotel room, Gabi (Camila Banus) set about convincing the man to whom she was currently wed that she really wanted to make a go of it where their union was concerned. After all, Stefan (Brandon Barash) wants nothing to do with her — and that’s no lie.

Easily swayed Li hurried to shower off the sweat he broke during his workout, leaving Gabi to root through his belongings. Nothing there. Nothing there either. The closet’s clear. There’s a cellphone with nothing helpful on it. But wait! Maybe Li has a burner phone. Yes, that seems plausible. And that’s exactly how he would communicate with Dr. Rolf (Richard Wharton).

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Gabi eventually located her prize — it was in the last place she looked; don’t you just hate that? — and made contact with her prey. How would Rolf like to get back in the DiMera family’s good graces? Very much? Good! More importantly, how would Rolf like to avoid a lengthy prison sentence? Even more so? Great! If he’ll just consent to coming back to Salem and doing exactly what Gabi says, he can achieve both goals. Yes? Excellent!

With her mission accomplished, Gabi headed for the door, escape on her mind. A freshly scrubbed Li seemed surprised — for some reason.

DOOL Recap: The Future Isn’t So Bright

Wendy (Victoria Grace) played video games with Tripp (and may or may not have let him win), and while he appreciated her company, he did note her looking at her phone a lot. She admitted she thought she’d have heard from Johnny, but little did she know he was quite busy.

days of our lives recap had wendy and tripp spending time together playing video games
Wendy and Tripp

What exactly are Chanel and Johnny (Carson Boatman) up to, Allie wondered, because a hug is never just a hug. It must always mean something…usually that an affair is about to be initiated…or something. Either way, Allie didn’t like what she was seeing.

Try as they might. the former marrieds couldn’t convince Allie that everything was copacetic. They might have gotten somewhere if Johnny hadn’t issued the ultimate insult — namely, that Allie is just like Sami (Alison Sweeney) — but that’s neither here nor there.

Wendy and her will they/won’t they roundabout with Johnny wound up a victim of the trio’s battle royale when she arrived on the scene and overheard Allie throwing about the “news” that Johnny and Chanel had hooked up, and she headed for the hills with Johnny in pursuit.

Meanwhile, Chanel remained behind to throw some hard truths — like maybe Allie’s projecting, given that she’s the only adulterer in the apartment — up in Allie’s face. That one hurt. It also gave Allie food for thought.

Turns out she might have overreacted just a smidge. Still, it was probably best that she and Chanel spend some time apart before either one of them says something that they’ll regret. Well, something else. Also, Allie shouldn’t bother coming in for work for the foreseeable future. Chanel needs all the space she can get.

Sloan Petersen Rocks The Boat

Sloan hates the Brady family’s secret clam chowder recipe — as if anybody needed yet another reason to hate her. Then again, warm heavy cream and clams? What was Caroline thinking?! Nobody had better tell Roman (Josh Taylor) though. What’s that? It’s too late? He’s already heard Sloan insult the cuisine? Well, isn’t that awkward? Then again, it’s really no more awkward than Sloan going after members of Roman’s chosen family. That he’s going to hold against her for some time.

days recap with eric and sloan having breakfast at the brady pup
Sloan and Eric

Ever the peacekeeper, Eric (Greg Vaughan) tries to big up Sloan’s good qualities — yeah, we’re at a loss too — then has to face an interrogation courtesy of his pops. Is he sure that he wouldn’t rather try to work things out with Nicole? Is he sure that he wants to be associating with Sloan? Yes, and yes. And as far as he and Nicole are concerned, Eric makes clear that that ship has sailed, that that horse has left the gate and all those other clichés. To be precise, he and Nicole are dunzo.

Days of our Lives Recap: Softly, Softly

Though it took all his resolve, EJ removed Nicole from his lap and slapped her prying hand away from his crotch. What exactly was she doing? Can’t she see that she’s drunk as a skunk and in no condition to be doing…whatever it is they were just doing?

Waaaaaat, slurred Nicole. She’s not drunk as a skunk…in a trunk…with a monk. And as for being inebriated. Phffft. As an aside, how can she be drunk when she only had one mimosa and a teeny-weeny tiny champagne chaser? That doesn’t make much sense. Nicole’s a lady who can hold her liquor. Until she can’t. Cue her doing her best impression of a chucking college freshman.

In the end, Nicole was glad that EJ saved her from herself. This, this is why Nicole likes him so much. This is why Nicole could see getting back together with him…someday. Just not right now. Making a full-blown commitment to him — and vice versa — would be…premature?…unwise?…all that and more? Pretty much. But they can start by having a proper date as soon as Nicole sleeps off what’s ailing her. Agreed? Agreed!

days of our lives recap nicole walker comes on strong to ej dimera in the bedroom
Nicole and EJ

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