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EJ DiMera Sneaks A Snap of Stefan Having Sexy Time With Gabi

DAYS recap for Thursday, April 6, 2023: It’s all for posterity…and blackmail.

days of our lives recap for thursday, april 6, 2023, ej dimera snaps a naughty photo of gabi and stefanEJ DiMera

On today’s Days of our Lives, EJ DiMera achieved the means to get one over on his brother.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Wendy Shin (Victoria Grace) passed over Johnny for a big date with Tripp (Lucas Adams) and an impassioned Abe seemingly got through to Eric (Greg Vaughan). Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

EJ DiMera Acquires Quite The Photograph

Stefan (Brandon Barash) and Gabi (Camila), comfortably ensconced in the DiMera mansion’s secret room-cum-wine cellar, got down to the business of sharing a romantic meal and reviewing the lengths that Stefan had to go to get them this free time.

“You made out with that bitch [Melinda Trask]?!” groused Gabi. “Just for two minutes,” explained Stefan, adding that Melinda was more than happy to run interference for them owing to her unbridled hatred of EJ (Dan Feuerriegel).

Still, Gabi was none too pleased. Melinda never does something for nothing. What if she were to decide that she wanted to make her relationship with Stefan a tangible thing rather than playact?

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Stefan assured his love that that would never happen. Firstly, he’s already made it crystal clear that he’s a one-woman man, and that woman is Gabi. Second, he’s making a sizeable donation to Melinda’s coffers. Payment has been rendered.

Upstairs, despite deriving pleasure from tapping into her bad girl roots, Nicole (Arianne Zucker) suggested to EJ that they should maybe stop obsessing over Stefan’s love life and turn their attention to their own.

“Being a co-conspirator isn’t enough for me — even if I’m a co-conspirator with benefits. Is it enough for you?” she wondered.

EJ admitted that it wasn’t. What’s more, he sees Nicole as more than his mere co-conspirator, she’s the woman he wants to be with. EJ then elaborated on Nicole’s proposal. Why doesn’t he run down to the cellar, fetch them some vintage (read: expensive) champagne, and get their own party started?

Imagine EJ’s surprise/delight to stumble upon Gabi and Stefan in flagrante delicto, and the joy he derived from taking a number of clandestine photographs and sending them Li’s (Remington Hoffman) way — it almost paled in comparison to coming upon the sight of an amorous, provocatively dressed Nicole. Almost.

days of our lives recap for thursday, april 6, 2023, has gabi and stefan happy together in bed
Gabi smiled after having sexy time with Stefan DiMera.

DAYS Recap: Love Lines

At Wendy’s abode, the apartment owner in question (eventually) extricated herself from Tripp’s embrace/kiss and inquired as to what finally prompted Tripp to kiss her. Color her less than impressed to hear that it was a discussion with Paulina Price (Jackée Harry).

After defending himself, Tripp got Wendy to admit that a) she and Johnny (Carson Boatman) aren’t exclusive and b) she’s “flattered” by his attraction to her. Wendy also copped to not wanting to “mess up what this is before it starts.” To that end, Tripp proposed that the two of them go on a date the following night, just to see if there really is something between them. Wendy happily agreed.

days of our lives recap for april 6, 2023 has a warm moment between tripp and wendy
Tripp Johnson and Wendy shared a close moment.

Moments later, Johnny — fresh from a confab with Li during which they buried the hatchet between them and Li expressed the opinion that there actually wasn’t anything for Johnny to worry about where Wendy and Tripp were concerned — popped by with news: he’s planned a dinner for two (him and Wendy) for tomorrow.

Wendy declined the invite and revealed that she already had plans. She’s going out with Tripp!

Abe Carver Gets Serious

Meanwhile, at Horton Town Square, Paulina confessed to Abe (James Reynolds) that she’d just come from the hospital where she was officially diagnosed as having a panic attack.

Upon being apprised of the circumstances leading up to the medical emergency, an infuriated Abe insisted that his wife would be retiring to their home while he set off to handle Sloan Petersen (Jessica Serfaty) himself. Unfortunately for Abe, Sloan had decamped for the courthouse, a drawn-up restraining order against Paulina in her hand.

In want of something better to do, Abe set about trying to convince Eric that he was throwing his all behind the wrong woman.

days of our lives recap for april 6, 2023 has abe carver have a deep discussion with eric brady
Abe Carver wanted to know how Eric could side with Sloan.

“Are you going to stay neutral when this woman is coming after my loved ones?” demanded the man that had known Eric the vast majority of his life. Lower blow, what does Marlena (Deidre Hall) think of Eric’s devotion to Sloan?

Eric offered that he won’t be discussing his love life with his mother, as well as a pitiful excuse about Paulina and Chanel (Raven Bowens) not being the constants that Abe is, so why should he automatically take their side? Abe’s words however did begin to have the desired effect.

Opposite this, Sloan and Paulina literally bumped into each other, and the former preened about the restraining order she’d soon have against the latter.

Paulina railed that it was Sloan who had come to town with the sole purpose of making her and Chanel’s lives miserable while Sloan countered, “The truth is that I came to Salem with the sole purpose of opening a law practice. It was only a coincidence that you and your home-wrecking slut of a daughter happened to be here too.”

The back and forth between the battling broads caused Paulina to suffer yet another panic attack for which Sloan had no time or sympathy.

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