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DAYS Recap: Susan’s Very Much Alive And Very Much In Trouble

And Harris Michaels and Ava are going to be of little to no help.

edmund crumb has susan banks under lock and key on days of our lives recap for thursday, september 28, 2023.Susan Banks is chained up in Edmund Crumb’s house.

In the Days of our Lives recap for September 28, 2023, Harris and Ava’s search led them to a character who was acting…well, totally out of character.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, EJ refused to accept the sign he asked for, Paulina and Li revenged themselves on vengeful Melinda, and Eric moved into Sloan’s studio apartment. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what happened.

Days of our Lives Recap: Drink Responsibly

Despite herself, Ava (Tamara Braun) finally agreed with Harris (Steve Burton) that they had nothing to lose by swinging by Edmund P. Crumb’s (Adam Caine) abode and questioning him about Susan (Stacy Haiduk).

Edmund was affable enough for a man who was drug out of bed at an ungodly hour — he even went and made them tea. How English of him! The only thing about him that Ava and Harris didn’t care for was his liberal use of the word “deranged” to describe the woman who drove Susan off the side of that cliff in the first place.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

With straight faces, Ava and Harris explained to Edmund that they now believe that Susan is alive and (hopefully) well and sending them psychic messages — messages that have led them to his doorstep.

Edmund huffs, and puffs, and reveals that he’s got Susan chained up to the floor in the back bedroom. Also, he’s poisoned Ava and Harris’s tea!

In no time flat our intrepid duo are out cold and being tossed upon the cot that had been serving as Susan’s bed. “My stars and garters” declared the chained and imprisoned Elvis fanatic, who then inquired as to what, exactly, Edmund thought it was that he was doing.

DAYS Recap: Mother Load

Back in Salem, EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) groused to Nicole (Arianne Zucker) about firing Wendy (Victoria Grace) for daring to try and prove that he hired a hitwoman to kill Ava. The temerity of that girl! Absolutely, agreed Nicole. Damn her for figuring out exactly what EJ did!

EJ then relayed how Wendy said that Ava had claimed that Susan was still alive. Apparently remembering that they lived in Salem, Nicole floated the idea that perhaps EJ should put some stock into what Ava said, but he refused. It was too coincidental that she’d remember at the exact same time he tried to have her killed. A stalling tactic if there ever was one.

Besides, if his mother were still alive, she’d send him a sign. And no, the subsequent power outage wasn’t it. Susan would have sent a BIG sign. That was far too subtle.

DOOL Recap: Hire Power

Meanwhile, Melinda (Tina Huang) found herself in mighty hot water courtesy of Paulina (Jackée Harry), who wanted to relieve her of her job. After all, the district attorney is not an elected position. “You serve at the pleasure of the Queen, and she is not amused.”

Melinda threw her a Hail Mary — AKA insisting that she could deliver a high-profile arrest. How high-profile? Try Li Freakin’ Shin (Remington Hoffman).

Unfortunately for Melinda, Li had eavesdropped on her and Paulina’s conversation via the microphone he’d hidden in the stuffed teddy he’d gifted her the last time they fooled around atop her office desk. As a result, their dalliance was over — and so were Melinda’s chances of holding on to her job.

What will Melinda do next?

Days of our Lives Recap: Friends Indeed

Much to her surprise, Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) opened her door to a suitcase bearing Eric (Greg Vaughan) — he was moving in! And it wasn’t so much that she was put out by the idea — she was the one who suggested it in the first place — it was just that he hadn’t given her a heads-up and it had been quite some time since they last discussed the matter. Still, he and his stuff were there now, so that’s that.

The topic of conversation turned first to a potential wedding venue for a potential wedding down the line — note that it will NOT be held at the Brady Pub, the site of Eric and Nicole’s wedding — and then to their plans to adopt.

Though disappointed to hear that Belle (Martha Madison) couldn’t represent them due to ongoing personal discord, Sloan later hit upon the perfect substitute: down and out Melinda!

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