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Chad’s Kids Give Stephanie Johnson Their Approval To Date Daddy

The DAYS recap for Wednesday, February 8, 2023: Looks like they’ll all be one, big, happy family.

days of our lives recap for wednesday, february 8, 2023 stephanie johnson is bombarded with hugs from her adoring fanbaseThomas and Charlotte bombard Stephanie Johnson with affection.

On today’s Days of our Lives, Thomas and Charlotte decided that if Chad was going to move on with anyone, they’d much rather it be Stephanie Johnson — they at least really like her.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Chanel (Raven Bowens) and Johnny caught Alex and Allie in a compromising position, and Joey Johnson (Tanner Stine) employed some subterfuge to get Wendy into Tripp’s (Lucas Adams) orbit. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Stephanie Johnson Is Deemed Worthy

Chad (Billy Flynn) was more than thrilled to find Stephanie (Abigail Klein) at his door, even though he did have bad news to report. Luckily, Steph was already well aware that Alex knew they slept together. Also, he swore that he was cool with it, so there’s that. Crisis adverted. The bourgeoning couple should celebrate!

And they probably would have were it not for the intrusion of little imps Thomas (Cary Christopher) and Charlotte. They’d heard Steph’s voice and wanted an audience…and to stay up WAY past their bedtime…and a story read by their new favorite person. Would Steph comply? Of course, she would!

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

After cuddling up with the munchkins, Steph read the entirety of The Velveteen Rabbit, then silently joined their chorus of pleas for a further extension of “family time.” Chad acquiesced, of course. Turns out, it was a trap! Now that Thomas and Charlotte had the adults right where they wanted them, they inquired as to whether or not they were dating. Yes, yes they were, admitted Steph and Chad.

Is Chad planning on marrying Stephanie? No, not at the moment, or in the near future. But they do like each other, very, very much. What do Thomas and Charlotte think of that? They’re thrilled, of course! They adore Steph, and they’re happy that Chad’s happy. That makes Steph and Chad happy. Everybody’s happy.

days of our lives recap paulina and abe carver enjoying a hug and a kiss together
Paulina loved that Abe Carver wanted to spoil her.

DOOL Recap: Well, Well, Well What A Sight

Chanel was down in the dumps and in need of some friendly ears, but she decided not to burden Abe (James Reynolds) and Paulina (Jackée Harry) upon seeing they were preparing for a night of romance. Abe appreciated Chanel’s manners. Paulina…not so much.

She wanted to know exactly what was troubling her baby girl — especially since she wasn’t even supposed to be there. Hadn’t she decided to make up with Allie? Paulina was pretty sure that was the advice that she’d given. What happened to that?

Well, explained Chanel, she was ready to start fresh with her girlfriend, and then she found Alex Kiriakis’s underwear! Ewww, blanched Paulina. Yeah, she can see how that would be a problem.

Despite her hurt, Chanel insisted on taking her leave. Abe appreciated that. Paulina…not so much. She wanted to help make things right and couldn’t help but feel partially responsible for all the turmoil in her daughter’s love life. Abe suggested a hands-off approach where this situation was concerned.

Meanwhile, Chanel encountered Johnny (Carson Boatman) on a stroll through the town square. Like her, he was feeling lonely and unwanted. After all, Wendy had no sooner promised to go to a movie with him than she was heading off to Tripp’s side.

That sucks, agreed Chanel. Would Chanel be interested in accompanying him to the screening, wondered Johnny. She was…but then decided better of it. What would people — especially Allie — say, the two of them hanging out together? How scandalous.

Johnny had a think and pitched a complicated caper where they’d don disguises and communicate through complicated hand signals or morse code.

Chanel was tickled and agreed that a movie was exactly what she needed…except when she heard the title. Evil Dead 2?! Chiseled-chinned Bruce Campbell? Kassie DePaiva as a hillbilly? Oh no, no, no, no. Nope on a rope. One horror movie in her lifetime was enough, thank you very much, friend. How about a drink instead? Agreed, said Johnny.

days of our lives recap chanel and johnny walked in on a compromising moment for allie with alex
It was a shocking sight for Chanel Dupree to see.

Off to a small bar the two set, and who should they find drunk out of their skulls and sucking on the same lime wedge but Alex (Robert Scott Wilson) and Allie (Lindsay Arnold). Well, that was all kinds of awkward!

Tripp Johson Is Down And Out

Life has not been too kind to Tripp as of late, and to hear him tell it, the one bright spot has been his friendship with Wendy (Victoria Grace). So, what’s a loving brother like Joey to do but call up Wendy, overemphasize Tripp’s depressed state, and beg her to rush right over and be there for her friend?

Once Wendy put in an appearance, Tripp visibly perked up — until he put two and two together and figured out that her arrival had something to do with Joey’s interference. You got me, declared Joey. But he wasn’t sorry. And if Tripp was being honest with himself, neither was he.

days of our lives recap wendy shin and tripp johnson at the brady pub
Wendy Shin and Tripp enjoyed some time together.

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