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Brady Black Gives A Seemingly Dead Stefan DiMera Mouth To Mouth

The DAYS recap for Tuesday, February 28, 2023: He really didn’t care to add murder to his already extensive rap sheet.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, february 28, 2023, an overzealous brady black is forced to revive the very man he killsAn overzealous Brady Black is forced to revive the very man he kills

On today’s Days of our Lives, Brady Black pushed Stefan DiMera past his limits and had to suffer the consequences.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Eric (Greg Vaughan) and Nicole (Arianne Zucker) updated each other on their relationship status, Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) made a low-key return to Salem, and Li (Remington Hoffman) announced that he’d found the perfect new home for him and the missus. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Brady Black Goes A Step Too Far

Tired of fetching and carrying for Dr. Rolf (Richard Wharton) — does the man REALLY need that many bowls of clam chowder? — and listening to Stefan (Brandon Barash) complain about his predicament, Brady (Eric Martsolf) decided to speed up his rival’s deprogramming. That proved to be a costly mistake.

In an instant, Stefan was dead. No heartbeat. No pulse. No longer amongst the living. Rolf was incredulous. How DARE Brady interfere? He was thisclose to achieving his goal, and Brady had to go and kill the subject of his experiment.

days of our lives recap for february 28, 2023 has  stefan almost dying
Stefan DiMera almost died.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

With no other recourse — and with Rolf clearly not all that bothered — Brady steadied himself, then gave Stefan the kiss of life. A resuscitated Stefan did not thank Brady for his efforts. If anything, the near-death experience made Stefan even less cooperative, and he wasn’t cooperative at all, to begin with. Why is being a villain so damn hard, wondered Brady.

DOOL Recap: Regrets, They Have A Few

Awkward though it was, Eric and Nicole just couldn’t help but marvel over the fact that it’s been 25 years to the day since their first meeting. Boy, the more things change — like Eric’s entire being — the more they stay the same…or perhaps not.

After all, once upon a time, Roman Brady (Josh Taylor) couldn’t stand Nicole — their one-night stand notwithstanding — and now he’s doing everything in his power to convince Eric that she’s the woman he’s destined to be with.

That hits Nicole in her feels. But no matter. Eric’s with that awful, terrible, no-good Sloan Petersen (Jessica Serfaty) person.

Actually, I’m not, revealed Eric. Oh, an interested Nicole questioned. What did Sloan do to earn Eric’s wrath? Well, actually, it was something that I did, answered Eric. Huh, a quizzical Nicole offered. She hadn’t seen that coming. Especially given how cozy the two of them had looked on Valentine’s Day.

Speaking of that ill-fated, pseudo-double date, Eric has deduced that Nicole and *gulp* EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) are once again an item…yes? Yes. If nothing else, the twosome has decided to see where things between them might go.

Eric wants to be happy for Nicole…but he can’t quite bring himself to be.

Before parting ways, Eric fills Nicole in on Orpheus’s (George DelHoyo) claim that it was a DiMera who stole the orchid that would have saved Marlena (Deidre Hall), Kayla (Mary Beth Evans), and Kate’s (Lauren Koslow) lives and wonders if she’s heard or see anything to support that. Nicole bristles that Eric would even stoop to ask. She said she’d already have run to him with the info if she’d had it.

days of our lives recap for february 28, 2023 has nicole walker talking with eric brady
Nicole Walker and Eric reconnect…briefly.

Chloe Lane Is Back In Salem

No sooner has Chloe returned to town than she’s literally running into love rival Gabi (Camila Banus) — and mere feet from the sanctuary and tranquility offered by the Salem Inn.

Gabi has news: Chloe can have Stefan. She’s over him. O.V.E.R. him! But why, wondered Chloe. Maybe it has something to do with Stefan inviting me for a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner and then calling me by your name, huffed Gabi. Yeah, that’ll do it.

Days of our Lives Recap: Share And Share Alike

Tripp (Lucas Adams) popped by to see Wendy (Victoria Grace), thank her for attending Kayla’s funeral, and catch up. They talk about Li’s arrest, the complicated goings on between him and Gabi, Allie’s (Lindsay Arnold) decision to up and move to New Zealand. Oh, speaking of Allie’s decision to decamp some 8,000 miles away, not to mention Chanel’s (Raven Bowens) decision to really rather cramp Abe (James Reynolds) and Paulina’s (Jackée Harry) style, Wendy needs a new roommate — two, actually — in order to stay put.

I can help with that, said Tripp. Turns out he’s in the market for a new place. It would be perfect…if Wendy doesn’t think that Johnny will mind. You know, Johnny, her…boyfriend? Oh, right, him, remembered Wendy. She felt Johnny would be fine with it.

Opposite this, Sloan worked some black magic to get Li released from police custody — much to Rafe’s (Galen Gering) chagrin — and the smarmy, smug Big Bad — Li, not Sloan — made tracks for Gabi’s side. She wasn’t particularly pleased to see him, nor was she particularly pleased to hear that he’d found the perfect abode for them.

Gabi became even less so when Li dragged her over to Wendy’s and announced that they’d be moving in there. A small three-bedroom apartment? How provincial!

days of our lives recap for february 28, 2023 has  gabi moving in with wendy and tripp
Gabi is not happy Li dragged her to stay with Wendy Shin.

Stefan DiMera Is Freed, Brady Black Is Cuffed

Rafe had a serious bone to pick with Eric — he is not amused that the former priest represented himself as Sloan’s partner when he very much wasn’t.

When the former G-man arrives at the Brady Pub, Stefan spies an opening and shouts for assistance. Inbursts Rafe. The jig was very much up. Brady and Eric are under arrest. The charges? Kidnapping to start, a few more to probably follow.

days of our lives recap for february 28, 2023 has  rafe arresting brady and eric
Rafe Hernandez was shocked to find Brady Black and Eric had Stefan.

Seizing an opportunity all his own, Rolf collects his clam chowder, three bags of oyster crackers, and makes a run for it. He doesn’t get very far. To the front door of the Brady Pub, to be exact. Luckily for Rolf, it’s Sloan whom he runs into. She’s got a proposition for him: keep mum about Li’s involvement in Stefan’s brainwashing, and Li will provide him with yet another shiny new laboratory. Rolf is intrigued.

Meanwhile, a newly freed Stefan races over to Chloe’s hotel room. Looks like his deprogramming didn’t take this go around.

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