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A Surprised Johnny DiMera Stumbles Upon A Potent Clue

The DAYS recap for Tuesday, February 21, 2023: The answers lie at the bottom of the bottle.

days of our lives recap for tuesday, february 21, 2023 johnny dimera inspects a curious vialJohnny DiMera inspects a curious vial

On today’s Days of our Lives, Johnny DiMera unwittingly achieved the means to stymie the subterfuge his uncle’s employed. If only he can figure out exactly what it is.

Days of our Lives Recap Highlights

In addition, Eric (Greg Vaughan) and Brady (Eric Martsolf) stooped to riffling through a lady’s handbag, Li Shin (Remington Hoffman) made Gabi (Camila Banus) the most gallant of offers, and EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) wondered if there was any hope for a villain like him. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Johnny DiMera Puts His Foot Right On It

EJ just hasn’t been himself as of late, as the DiMera Enterprises board can attest. In light of EJ letting slip confidential information, the entire company scrambled to do damage control, and the man at the center of it all was left to sit and ponder what exactly is going on with him.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Days of our Lives.

Stefan (Brandon Barash) — who knows exactly what’s going on with his brother, owing to the fact that he’s attempting to drug him into stupefaction — offered words of encouragement that pacified EJ for a time.

days of our lives recap for february 21, 2023 has jada hunter with questions for stefan dimera
Jada Hunter wonders if Stefan will testify against Gabi.

Following EJ’s excusing himself, Stefan readied to dose his brother’s morning cup of Joe but was interrupted by Jada Hunter (Elia Cantu), the lady detective who’d come calling with a question. Does Stefan have any interest in swearing out a statement against either Gabi or Dr. Wilhelm Rolf (Richard Wharton)? You know, for the assault and botched deprogramming.

Gabi, he’ll absolutely never, ever speak out against. Rolf…that may be a different story. After all, Rolf didn’t mind scheming against him. Still, he has to think about it. Jada understands.

Afterward, Stefan gets back to the task at hand: further incapacitating EJ. Easier said than done. Not only does EJ pass on the coffee, but he decides to head home and rest his weary, addled head. This setback infuriated Stefan. Immensely. A vial-throwing hissy fit was inevitable.

Later, once Stefan had left Wendy (Victoria Grace) alone in his office to perform computer maintenance and made tracks for what he was assured was a face-to-face with Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) — it wasn’t; details to follow shortly — the casually tossed evidence of his crime was picked up by a visiting Johnny DiMera (Carson Boatman).

What could this be, the young man wondered. Could it have something to do with his clearly unwell pops? Oh, if only he knew.

DAYS Recap: Lawyer/Client Privilege

Brady was a man on a mission…a mission to get Rolf to flip on his main partner-in-crime, Li Shin. He thought that his stepbrother’s bedmate might be inclined to help, seeing as how she’s the mad scientist’s counsel. He was wrong. As far as Sloan (Jessica Serfaty) is concerned, Rolf’s best bet is to keep mum.

days of our lives recap for february 21, 2023 has brady needing to talk with sloan and finds eric
Brady Black has questions for Sloan.

Eric did not agree. Sloan didn’t care. Eric, who’d already made the situation hella awkward just by being there stood perfectly still between the pair, hoping not to be noticed.

After being summoned by another client — Li, to be precise — Sloan took her leave of the gentlemen. Brady spent a few minutes bemoaning his current predicament — desperately in love with a woman whom he’s disillusioned, who herself is in love with a man who loves her and another — then got pondering.

Why would Sloan be representing Rolf in the first place? How could Rolf possibly be paying her? Is it probable that someone else is bankrolling Rolf’s defense? Yes, yes it is. And what’s more, that someone is Li! Yes, it all makes perfect sense….to Brady, anyway.

To prove his point, Brady dives into Sloan’s personal papers and uncovers Rolf’s handwritten confession to conspiring with big bad Li…and big bad Kristen. Eric is shocked, SHOCKED that Sloan could be so underhanded. (Insert eye-roll emoji).

Brady’s certain that this beauty will be the key to getting Rolf freed, Li in the slammer, and Chloe back in his arms. So, it’s off to Rafe’s (Galen Gering) office to hand it over. BUT FIRST… Brady catfishes Stefan and arranges a meeting. They’ve got a lot to discuss.

Li Shin Surprises His Lady Love

Having gloated about dinner he and Gabi shared to his very surprised sister and having received assurances from Sloan that all is quiet on the Rolf front, Li asked for the pleasure of his wife’s company. Gabi complied. Because…reasons.

Once the terse pleasantries were exchanged, and the scarf she had left behind was pointed out, Li presented Gabi with a gift: his DiMera Enterprises shares. Say what, said Gabi? Why would Li do this? What does he want in return?

days of our lives recap for february 21, 2023 has li shin giving gabi his shares in dimera
Gabi Hernandez is shocked by what Li’s given her.

Nothing. Apparently. Apparently, it’s all to prove how much he loves her. No other strings attached. Gabi isn’t too sure about that one.

DOOL Recap: Elvis, Elvis, Elvis

Before swinging by the office and bringing his lady love some hot chocolate — not to mention literally stepping on a vital clue — Johnny joined Nicole Walker (Arianne Zucker) in worrying about EJ.

The young man also took the time to note that he saw his former step-mommy emerging from EJ’s room earlier that morning. But he doesn’t mind. If there was anybody that EJ was to hook up with, Johnny’s glad that it was Nicole. Nicole was glad that Johnny was glad. Now, it only remained for Nicole to check on EJ, make sure that he knows she was very much in his corner, and make him feel a bit better in a way that only she can.

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