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Days of Our Lives Recap: The Walls Close In On Everyone, Everywhere

Days of Our Lives RecapDays of Our Lives Recap

The Days of Our Lives recap for May 4-8, 2020 features many Salemites learning a very hard lesson the hard way.

Days of Our Lives Recap Highlights

Sometimes life just isn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that Sarah’s (Linsey Godfrey) baby passed away and she grew attached to another woman’s child. It’s not fair that Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) and Brady (Eric Martsolf) can’t reunite with their daughter because she has been spirited away by Sarah.

It isn’t fair that Gabi (Camila Banus) lost the love of her life. And it certainly isn’t fair that there’s a surly man named Jake (Brandon Barash) running around town sporting a mug that is identical to Stefan’s.

All Sonny (Freddie Smith) wants is to see justice done and Evan (Brock Kelly), or Christian Maddox if you prefer, sentenced to a lengthy jail sentence – you know, like his innocent, non-manslaughtering husband – but if Zoe (Kelly Thiebaud), the lying lawyer who lies, has her way, her brother will be getting off scot-free.

Then there’s Abigail Deveraux (Kate Mansi) and Ben Weston. She conquered mental illness and now, thanks to some hallucinogenic drugs, she’s staring down the mouth of madness. He finally found employment, only to be beaten to a pulp on his very first day by thugs out to harm his boss. Where’s the fairness?

DAYS Musings

Lani: “Kristen, at least you know your daughter is not with someone who is asking for ransom or who wants to hurt her. Rachel is not going to come back traumatized.” Well…she might now that “Mad Mommy Sarah” KO’d Rex and trussed him up.

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Sarah: “Kristen DiMera…is genetically predestined just by the virtue of her name to do crazy and/or evil things.” Were not sure about the whole genetically predestined part (Kristen is an ADOPTED DiMera after all) but will say Sarah makes a good argument. Almost everyone with the last name DiMera (yes, even Tony) has done at least one crazy and/or evil thing.

Rex: “Where are you going?” Sarah: “Germany. Or Switzerland. Or the Kingdom of Tonga.” Though the latter destination sounds fictitious, it’s actually a real kingdom (made up of more than 170 South Pacific islands) in Polynesia.

Steve: “You should be thankful you didn’t hurt Bo the way I hurt Kayla. Going all the way back to when we first met. I was hired to terrorize her. I stalked her, I harassed her over the phone. I broke into her apartment spray-painted the walls…I was a pretty bad dud back then.

Yea, yea he was. And he committed all those crimes on the orders of Emma Donovan who was fearful that the Ohio-based Kayla would uncover the fact that the child being raised by her boss, Dr. Dennison, was actually her abducted nephew, Andrew.

Steve’s antics sent the frightened Kayla running back to Salem. Oh, and he also threatened to throw acid in Hope’s face. They forgot that during their little walk down memory lane. Days of Our Lives airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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