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Pregnant Pause? What Is Jade Really Up To On Days of Our Lives?

The Johnsons on Days of Our LivesThe Johnsons on Days of Our Lives

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire?
Out of about 15,000 votes, 77% of you think Jade isn’t pregnant at all. Perhaps she’s not lying and has convinced herself she’s pregnant because she seems to be that off the wall. Or, she could just be a run of the mill liar trying to hold onto a man with the oldest trick in the book.

A much smaller 15% of you think Jade is indeed pregnant, but you don’t see a Bouncing Baby Johnson resulting from this. You think she will either lose the baby or it’s not Joey’s baby at all. Jade seems like the promiscuous type, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that she slept with someone besides Joey.

The Jury Is Out…
The final 8% of you are not sure what to think. The news that Paige Searcy already taped her last scenes as Jade has really thrown you off and think this story can go either way.

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