Categories: Days of our Lives Recaps

Days of Our Lives Recap: Heartbreak And Secrets

Published by
Garren Waldo

The Days of Our Lives recap for December 9-13, 2019, features a tense standoff, a devastating diagnosis, upsetting news, a troubling partnership, and a long-standing secret beginning to come to light.

Days of Our Lives Recap Highlights

For a convent on the outskirts of Rome, the House of God that has offered sanctuary for Kristen (Stacy Haiduk) and Lani (Sal Stowers) lo this many months sure played host to a plethora of drama.

At the forefront was a stoned out of his gourd JJ (Casey Moss) who decided that “Shooting this bitch [Kristen] through the back of the head is the only thing that will bring me peace.”

Lani did her best to talk her former lover down — she even compared Kristen’s suppose murder of Haley (Thia Megia) to JJ’s accidental shooting of Theo (Kyler Pettis), insisting that the same pain she saw in Abe’s (James Reynolds) eyes is now reflected in his.

Kristen, to her credit, remained contrite and obliging — even getting down on her knees to accept the inevitable bullet. But when Eli let slip that he was with Gabi (a fact he had already thrown up in Lani’s face), Sister DiMera cracked. “Idiot!”

Then, she had these words of wisdom for her would-be killer. “You just want to kill. Love heals, JJ. Not murder.” Then she issued what sounded very much like a threat. “I know this won’t be the end of me. I’ve risen from the ashes before and I’ll do it again.”

Properly chastised, or possible scared rigid, JJ refused to shoot and the women returned to the church. Once inside they experienced a revelation. That little near-death experience was a sign from the Almighty and its purpose was to show them that life in the nunnery wasn’t for them. And with that, they shucked their habit and beat a hasty retreat back home. Watch out, Gabi.

Sarah and Eric: Baby Blues

It is with a heavy heart that Marlena (Diedre Hall) revealed baby Mickey is suffering from Neuroblastoma or as Sarah (Linsey Godfrey) put it more succinctly, “Our daughter has cancer.”

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Eric (Greg Vaughan) was gobsmacked by the news and it only served to harden his heart more against Nicole (Arianne Zucker) and Xander (Paul Telfer) — apparently Christian Charity isn’t a virtue to which the former priest subscribes.

The little girl’s parents decided that the most prudent course of action is to get her placed in a clinic in Boston that specializes in childhood cancers. Having done so, Sarah and Eric packed their bags and bid Salem adieu.

Trouble In Paradise

As if Will (Chandler Massey) didn’t have enough to worry about, what with being on Clyde’s hit list and all, he learned that Sonny (Freddie Smith) kissed Evan (Brock Kelly) – thanks to Grandma Blue Streak! To quote Sonny, “Wow, how completely out of line you are.”

Gabi And Kate: Double Trouble

Speaking of Kate (Lauren Koslow), she is totally in on the whole SteVano situation. Leave it to Gabi (Camila Banus) to have created a monster simply by complaining about Kate’s ability (or lack thereof) as …continue reading on the next page —>

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Speaking of Kate (Lauren Koslow), she is totally in on the whole SteVano situation. Leave it to Gabi (Camila Banus) to have created a monster simply by complaining about Kate’s ability (or lack thereof) as a waitress.

The Truth Will Out

Despite fantasizing about tossing nosy Abigail (Kate Mansi) over the same balcony she did Jennifer (Melissa Reeves), Princess Gina (Kristian Alfonso) did her best to take the high, non-murderous road.

She tries to cut everybody off at the pass by reopening the case but had to bow to the suggestion that a techno wiz from DiMera employed new, state-of-the-art software to see if the surveillance footage showing Eve (Kassie DePaiva) pushing Jennifer was a fake.

Sure enough, within just a few moments the man is able to definitively say that Eve was innocent. But did this mean curtains for the real guilty party? Days of Our Lives airs weekdays on NBC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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Published by
Garren Waldo
Tags: Days of our Lives Days of Our Lives Recaps Stacy Haiduk

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