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Sheila Carter Questions Her Lover-Boy’s Loyalty

The B&B recap for Friday, March 24, 2023: Is it conceivable that the wool is being pulled over her eyes?

the bold and the beautiful recap for friday, march 24, 2023, sheila carterSheila Carter

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, player extraordinaire Sheila Carter seriously considered the possibility that she was the one getting played — and she didn’t like that. Not one little bit.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and Agent Chen (Brian Yang) awaited Sheila’s answer to Bill’s proposal with bated breath, and Hope (Annika Noelle) and Thomas (Matthew Atkinson) made merry in the design room. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Sheila Carter Considers The Facts

At Deacon’s abode, Sheila waxed lyrical about what the future could hold for her as Mrs. Bill Spencer while Deacon hung in the background looking like a kicked puppy.

He inquired as to the prenup that Bill expected Sheila to sign, but she revealed there wouldn’t be one. Deacon was incredulous and argued that Bill, of all people, wouldn’t be crazy enough to risk half his fortune. But that’s exactly what he was doing cooed Sheila. Soon she could be free and “filthy rich.”

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

Still, she wondered if this was really Bill Spencer. Could this actually be the real deal? Deacon seemed to think so. “This is everything you’ve ever wanted,” he reminded her, before admonishing, “Why question it?”

Sheila admitted that she’s worried Bill might have been…compromised. Deacon excused Bill’s actions as merely those of a man intoxicated by Sheila.

Sheila further hedged. There’s just something missing. At times Bill seems so withdrawn, so far away. “He can look right at me, and I don’t know what he’s thinking.” Deacon offered that Bill’s proposal tells exactly what he’s thinking.

“You and I had some amazing times together,” reminded Deacon, who then added, “Now you gotta go. Go get your future.”

Sheila did indeed take her leave of Deacon and returned to a living room festooned with candles and rose petals — a romantic gesture to be sure, even if Ridge did suspect that it was a touch too much — and a hard sell from Bill.

“There has never been anything more important to me in my life. I’ve burned every bridge for you, and I would do it all again. That’s how much this means to me. I want to give you the life that you deserve. But I can’t do that if you keep holding back. We can’t have any more walls. We can’t have any more secrets…you’ve got to let go. Say yes, say that you’ll be my wife.”

Sheila confessed that she wants to say yes. She really does. But she’s learned a lot in life. “When things seem too good to be true, they are. So, what’s really happening here? Are you playing me for a fool Bill?”

Will Bill and Sheila marry?

B&B Recap: Workplace Relations

Elsewhere, the design office at Forrester Creations, to be specific, Hope greeted Thomas. Once pleasantries were exchanged, Hope got down to the serious business that was making sure Thomas hadn’t read anything into her year-ago agreement with Paris (Diamond White) that he was “hot.”

Thomas assured Hope that he did not and that he had nothing more in mind than working alongside her to create an amazing, wonderful line. Also, he promised that he wouldn’t ever again do something to make things weird between them.

Hope appreciated that, almost as much as she appreciated Thomas’s immense talent. Gosh, he’s just such a swell designer.

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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