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Deacon Sharpe Makes A Play For Brooke

B&B recap for Thursday, June 1, 2023: Poor feller has no idea that she’s just not that into him.

deacon sharpe bared his soul to brooke logan in bold and the beautiful recap for thursday, may, 2023.Deacon Sharpe made a play for Brooke Logan.

On today’s The Bold and the Beautiful episode, Deacon Sharpe sets himself up for an emotional punch in the gut.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap Highlights

In addition, Katie (Heather Tom) forwent a romantic interlude with Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor) and instead went on and on and on about her sister and Ridge (Thorsten Kaye). Now, let’s dig a little deeper into what exactly happened.

Deacon Sharpe Is Tempted By A [Quack] Doctor’s Advice

At Il Giardino, Trattoria Rustica, Taylor (Krista Allen) continued to push for Deacon (Sean Kanan) to try again with Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang). After all, it couldn’t hurt to put himself on the line for the zillionth time.

Deacon sharply [pun intended] corrected that it does indeed hurt, but Taylor pressed on. What if she’s right? What if Deacon’s future lies with Brooke? What if Hope (Annika Noelle) could have her heart’s desire [namely, Deacon and Brooke’s reunion]?

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on Bold and the Beautiful.

If anyone can do it, it’s Deacon, argued Taylor. But what about Ridge, questioned Deacon. Aren’t he and Brooke each other’s destiny? And what of Taylor herself?

Deacon: “You say you wanna help me, you wanna help Brooke, you wanna help yourself, right? And that way you can spend the rest of your days as Mrs. Ridge Forrester.”
Taylor: “Don’t…I’m not going to deny my feelings for Ridge even though I’m trying to deny my feelings for Ridge…I will always love Ridge, just like you will always love Brooke. But there’s a difference between us, right? I have been trying to push away my feelings for Ridge because of this pact with Brooke, but you don’t have anything keeping you from going after Brooke. You’ve spent your whole life kind of being the villain. What would it be like to be a hero? Come on, Deacon. Do it! Do it! Just call her. Tell her how you feel. Just see what happens. Do it. Do it today!”

B&B Recap: Executive Sweet

At Forrester Creations, Ridge and Brooke tee-hee over RJ’s (Joshua Hoffman) latest post and Ridge’s ineptitude over how to connect with their son through social media. Later, the conversation took on a slightly more somber, more longing tone as Ridge rued their estrangement and expressed a desire never to be parted from her again…not that he doesn’t respect the pact that she made with Taylor. He’s totally behind that, 100%.

Brooke groused about her and Taylor’s most recent spat and Ridge [Nosy Parker that he is] queried whether he was the source of the ire. Unfortunately, he was to learn that said source was Brooke and Taylor’s battling brood.

After deciding that she and Taylor had actually handled the little wrinkle quite marvelously [REALLY?!], Brooke granted Ridge that she missed him too but reiterated her desire to stay true to her and Taylor’s pact.

Opposite this, in the office directly across from the one Ridge and Brooke were occupying, Katie and Carter broke their smooch so that she could ponder the possibility of Ridge and Brooke reuniting in Rome, one of the most romantic cities in the world.

“Stranger things have happened” mused Carter who then brought his love back to Earth by questioning what a post “Bridge” reunion would be like. After all, they’d have to return to L.A. eventually and Taylor would most certainly have something to say.

Do you want to see a "have not" fashion house on B&B?

Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Deacon Sharpe Takes His Shot

Exit Brooke, enter Taylor. Despite being happy to see his second favorite ex-wife, Ridge assumed she was there to see someone, anyone, other than him and proceeded to explain where Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and Brooke were — the former was in a boring meeting and the latter had gone off to visit with Deacon. That last piece of news thrilled Taylor greatly.

Meanwhile, Deacon welcomed Brooke and bid her to join him. He then proceeded to apologize for how their romance began all those years [decades] earlier and made quite a heartfelt plea.

Deacon: “Do you think that there’s a chance that we could find our way back to each other? That we could be a family for Hope? For our grandchildren? I know I’ve said this before, but since you and Ridge are separated, I’m going to say it again. I love you. I love you more than anyone or anything. Please, come back to me.”

The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. For an in-depth look at the show’s history, click here.

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