Chloe’s playing a dangerous game with Bella’s future. The Young and the Restless spoilers reveal she lets Billy hang out with her and the little girl and it’s going to bring some old memories to the forefront–and maybe even some suspicions.
A Familiar Face
It’s getting harder for Chloe (Elizabeth Hendrickson) to hide just how much Bella (Cali May Kinder) looks like Delia (Sophie Pollono) and people around town are starting to notice–including Billy! There’s something familiar about Chloe’s little girl, and even Billy has to admit it’s almost like looking at Delia at that age.
Chloe’s Free… For Now!
While Billy’s (Jason Thompson) starting to take notice, it doesn’t seem like he’s reading much into the Delia lookalike just yet. Of course, he doesn’t have a reason to think anything of it. He still has no idea Chloe stole his sperm on her way to the treatment center.
When Will The Truth Come Out?
Chloe better thank her lucky stars Billy hasn’t checked on his stockpile in the last few years. The day Billy finds a sample missing he may start to put two and two together. Not only is the timing perfect but Chloe was begging to make a new Delia just days before she went away!
Everything Will Fall Apart!
Chloe’s fear of losing her child could become a reality when and if Billy ever proves he’s Bella’s daddy. She tried to hide a child from him once, so he probably won’t let him do it a second time.
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