Video Credit: Soap Hub
On The Young and the Restless, Abby and Chance need a surrogate to carry their baby. They’ve asked Mariah, figuring she’s someone they can control.
The Young and the Restless: Abby’s Dilemma
Okay, that’s not how Abby phrased it, but she did say she wanted someone who wouldn’t freak out when she constantly called her to make sure she was taking care of the pregnancy the way Abby wanted her to. Can you say control freak, boys and girls? Here are three reasons why that’s a terrible idea:
Money Matters
The main reason people sign up to be surrogates is because they need money. Mariah (Camryn Grimes) doesn’t need money. She has a great job. And a rich mom.
Also, surrogates usually have given birth before, so they know what it’s like and whether they’ll be comfortable giving up a baby they’ve carried. Mariah never has, so she has no idea how she’d feel about it. Even Sharon (Sharon Case) tried to point that out.
Pregnancy Pact
Another reason for being a surrogate is if you want to experience pregnancy, but don’t want to raise a child. Mariah has no idea how she feels about that, and she’s young enough that she has many, many years ahead of her to make up her mind and have a baby later.
Past Imperfect
But the strongest reason for Mariah not leaping into this is that she has some very, very complicated feelings about birth parents, adoptive parents, and babies who are passed around like poker chips.
Mariah was stolen from Sharon at birth and raised in a cult with some very, very weird adoptive parents. How will Mariah feel when the baby she carried is taken from her and given over to their “real mom?” How will she feel watching that child raised by parents who might not make the same decisions she would have?
Mariah has barely worked through her own issues about it. She can’t possibly add a baby into the equation. Just say no, Mariah! The Young and the Restless (YR) airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.
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