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The Young and the Restless Day-Ahead Recap: Monday, July 2nd

The Young and the Restless recap July 2The Young and the Restless recap July 2

Scheming For the Truth
Kyle (Michael Mealor) confronted Jack and found out the real reason for his anger. Jack may have blown up at Billy but his frustrations are really about the Chancellor family.

All he wants are answers and he’s getting blocked at every turn. But, he has one last trick. up his sleeve – suing Jill (Jess Walton) and putting Dina (Marla Adams) on the stand.

Hevon Baby Drama
A surprise from Devon (Bryton James) had Hilary (Mishael Morgan) in tears more than once. He brought an portable ultrasound tech to the house so they could get their first glimpse of their bundle of joy.

However, their dream almost became a nightmare when the technician had trouble locating the baby.

Thankfully all’s well that ends well. Their baby was found and it looks like everything is right on track.

Coming Clean
Summer (Hunter King) set up a dinner date with Phyllis and came clean to her mom about being broke.

She braced herself for Phyllis’ wrath but was then shocked. Instead of flipping her lid, Phyllis saw the loss as a good thing. Summer will now have to find her way in the world and learn the value of a dollar.

The Young and the Restless (YR) airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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